Friday, 30 October 2009

Household Trivia

Freezer appears fine this morning. Just put my fake orange,lemon and lime slices back in to refreeze. Had scrambled egg with a lot of cheese on toast for breakfast with a Queen's golden jubilee mug of Lapsang.

I need to buy some bleach and do more washing, then I shall tackle the prawn dish later on.

Kooky still hasn't got the hang of the new hours and started torturing me at 5.15am. Must feed him later at night.

Well, I have now cooked the prawns - not very exciting, and attempted to bleach the tops, a partial success, now washing them ready to hang up.

Had a chicken green curry at Lye Torng. It is Hallowe'en, and the shops are full of masks, skulls, ghoulish make-up etc. I may well be the only one at home watching the X-factor tonight. We shall see. Perhaps Simon Cowell's fangs will be showing.

Pre-departure Panic

Family Britain is proving to be a bit of a hit. Having quotes from so many sources certainly brings history to life - so it is a bit of a page-turner. Definitely a good buy. I must not let it prevent me from getting ready to go away. I need to sort out the catfeeding note and putting the food and bowls handy, find a case and pack it etc etc trying not to leave the flat in a complete mess before I go.

Today, I shall tackle some washing, which will be a good start. I may also defrost the freezer. We shall see.

Hmm. Since the freezer door won't close decided to defrost it. But I have lost the instructions and the top drawer is frozen solid and iced up. So I turned it all off and am hoping for the best. Propped door open and taken two drawers out. What a ghastly mess it is. Have managed to get the top drawer out and put some towels inside to start soaking up the water. Now finished and turned on again. Had some excellent chicken soup from it. There's a huge thing of prawns which I shall cook tomorrow with butter, garlic and onions and maybe some tomato puree before refreezing.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Finished work for the week and funny CD

last day at work this week fortunately - the hotel kept ringing up about the rooms - they thought we had too many - then the hamper company wanted money upfront - then my bank told me I had too many accounts (2) and should not use my debit card to purchase goods online. I am waiting for them to publish this advice. I may have to change my bank from Lloyd's TSB to a less nosey bank.

To cap it all, my Bob Dylan Christmas CD arrived. True he does sound like an old drunk, but I quite like it, seems rather appropriate to the season. I think that the problem is that Dylan fans are a bit po-faced and lacking in humour, which is why it seems to have upset them. I suspect this CD is a bit of a send-up judging by the colour and the snap of the backing musicians inside. Not to mention the pin-up Christmas girl on the interior.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

'Flu Jab Day

'One of those days' at work. Several odd calls including one from the Charity Commission whingeing about not having received our Annual Report which is not due until the end of the month and which we emailed on 21st - they are both hopelessly inefficient and excessively bureaucratic. Romy forwarded them yet another copy. I was glad to leave early to have my 'flu jab. Surprisingly no long queues in the surgery. A history 'lite' book arrived today. Family Britain 1951-1957 by David Kynaston. Not normally interested in history, but this is peppered with commentary by ordinary and well-known figures of the times. It's a couple of inches thick, so will keep me quiet for a while.

Romy thinks my Midwinter 'riverside' design china is vile. She prefers the rather jazzy Zambesi design we had at home, but it costs a lot and is very hard to find now. I remember also rather loathing the riverside, but I do love the 'fashion' shape, and have grown rather fonder of riverside recently. It looks very good on my white table. I suspect it would also look good on a brown linen cloth. We shall see.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Back to Work in the Rain Today

Medical matters: using Etrivex shampoo for the first time today. Reading the leaflet has put me off using it for a couple of weeks, but the psoriasis has become so bad I have decided to take the plunge. Strange stuff. You have to put it on dry hair thinly, then wash your hands carefully before leaving for up to 15 minutes then washing the hair. Apparently you should not let it get anywhere else on the skin in case it is absorbed. Perhaps because it contains loads of steroids. A bit worrying. Still, needs must.

Decluttering has slowed down a bit, but still continues. The good news is that I found my hairdryer after several years.

Seems I shall be going to Hayling Island since my neighbour can feed Kooky. I shall see if I have any clothes left to pack.

Saw Julian last night, who came to play with Kooky and is thinking of going to the Damien Hirst thing at the Wallace Collection. Helpfully, she changed the clocks which I can't reach so I now have the right time everywhere.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Vanity, etc.

Just wrote to the 'Dear Mavis' column in the Oldie with some advice for a foolish old dame contemplating eyelash extensions. Basically, don't. I had some done quite a few years ago when less overripe, but despite asking them to put shorter ones on, I ended up looking like Barbara Cartland with spiders around my eyes. I had to wear sunglasses for a week. These are definitely for drag queens or young women.

These days I just use mascara which dries very quickly so you can layer it a bit and thicken the sparse eyelashes that way. For the oldie, best use brown rather than black. Less obvious. I still recommend drag queen glasses in black with diamante from Opera Opera (as above). Though slightly Dame Edna, they are fun to wear to parties with a black dress.

New Week

Dear me - the Government is going to give careers advice to seven year olds. Mr Gradgrind comes to mind. Maybe it is a well intentioned effort to indoctrinate children whose parents and grandparents have never worked with the idea that they might one day have a job. Hmmmm.

Last night on X-factor the Cheeky Boys triumphed again. A not too bad girl group were ejected. They didn't perform well under the pressure, poor things. Louis is a crafty cove, but a pity he didn't make more effort with the girls and less with the boys. That wasn't going to happen, though.

Either Julian or my neighbour will be feeding the Kookster the week after next when I go to Hayling Island. The term 'dumb animal' might have been invented for him. He keeps getting stuck outside, but can in fact get back in again. If my neighbour looks after him I shall ask Julian to come and check on him now and then. If he stays in Julian's flat that particular problem will be avoided.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

The Wonder of Google

I found this among some old rubbish in a flat in Spain. I use it on a key ring. On Googling it I discover that it is American, patented in February 1903, and probably intended as a souvenir of the World's Fair in 1904. They are real coins with pushed out heads. Known as a 'pop out' coin watch fob consisting of a quarter dollar and two dimes from 1903. Designed by Charles Barber in the 1890's and made of silver. Worth over $100. A Barber dime from the first year they were circulated is worth thousands of dollars and is the most expensive coin in America, since only a few were made. However, a quarter and two dimes from 1903 as above, if not popped out, would be worth up to $400. We live and learn. Would make a good key ring fob for an American numismatist.

and this:

My back wall. The Virginia Creeper will soon fall off now.

I always feel a bit sorry for myself at this time of year. Thank goodness for Kooky who keeps me amused and wakes me early every day. Fortunately the sun is out this morning which might cheer me up a bit. Nibby wasn't there when I rang this morning. A shame because I do look forward to having a long chat with her on Sundays. I shall have a long, luxurious bath, and contemplate doing very little today. Kippers with toast and marmalade and Lapsang for breakfast. I shall also await the X-factor with bated breath, though I have a sinking feeling that the Irish twins will remain.

Nibby rang me. She had been chatting with Ru. She is now only working four days a week instead of five as she is so exhausted all the time. She has sold another little painting and is still working on her commission.

- and this

Autumn Arrives

Like this

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Very Quiet Saturday

Very quiet day packing up more bits and pieces. Lunch at Lye torng - this time I had chicken Massaman - very good too. Watched episode 1 of Star Wars, the Phantom Menace.Excellent.

Shall veg out and watch telly all evening as usual. I can't bring myself to get back to painting. I am hoping that this will happen soon. I may have to force myself at first.

It's strange. The phone hardly ever rings, but when it does it is someone trying to sell something. I would get rid of it but I think I need the land line for the internet. And I suppose it is cheaper to ring my sister once a week in Oz than on a mobile.

The weather was awfully drizzly this morning but improved in the afternoon in time for my delivery from Ocado. I had forgotten they were coming and bought the Times, then a free copy arrived with the shopping.

It's the Weekend Again

'Land of Hope and Glory' with Kas.

Dorothy is always very busy, so just a brief lunch which was very pleasant. Asked Dorothy to ask Julian if they can catsit the week after next. Kooky will be fine in their flat for a few days having been an indoor cat for four years, and the wonderful new litter arrangement will help. It would mean I could go with Romy and the punters on the Turkey & Tinsel, which would make four helpers for two coachloads, which seems about right.

Must reserve an afternoon for my 'flu jab next week. Probably Thursday since I am busy on Tuesday, and probably Wednesday. We shall see.

I am still packing stuff up, but have fallen by the wayside a little, in that I have purchased some Royal memorabilia mugs, such as a mug designed by Laura Knight commemorating the George V1 coronation. My new rule will be that for each thing I buy, something has to go. I can't remember if it was Oscar Wilde or Ruskin who said something about only having things which you know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. Probably Oscar. I seem to remember he gave lectures on taste in America, much to everyone's amusement.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Here's Kas, the 'Forces Sweetheart' singer.Punters party yesterday. All very successful, caterers very good and musicians excellent. Back to work today, meeting this morning and then lunch at Boot & Flogger with Romy and Caroline. This afternoon Romy finished sorting out the January party. All but the raffle prizes so we have plenty of time since next year we are not having it until 22nd.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Punters Party Day

Romy rang last night. All in place for the party today except that I totally forgot to go to the bank to get cash to pay the performers so they will have to make do with cheques. I have been so carried away with getting rid of stuff that it completely went out of my mind.

I am finding chorizo very useful in making a casserole. Last night I sliced up a large chorizo and fried it with chopped onions, added garlic, then carrots broccoli and cauliflower, then spices, a couple of pints of water, potatoes and a bit of tomato puree, plus a head of celery and cooked for about 20 minutes. This was excellent and will do for a few days. Most of the flavour and reddish colour comes from the chorizo, which is a picante one.

Kooky thoughtfully woke me at 5.45 this morning. Still not sure what to wear. Though it doesn't matter much I suppose I shall make an effort. Comfort will be important, so flat shoes, anyway. I feel totally knackered before I start. Maybe some tea and breakfast will help.

I had recently ordered some snaps from iphoto but Royal Mail had said the address was not correct so iphoto have refunded the money and want me to change my address. Since I have had stuff sent to this address for years I can only think it is a Royal Mail problem, and don't know how to edit my iphoto address anyway, so shan't order any more snaps now. So there.

Monday Morning

On regoogling, that wine seems only to be found in Switzerland, from £54 to £77 per bottle depending on where you buy it. Definitely Christmas wine.

Have now packed 18 cases. Will ring the people up as the cases are taking over the flat. May ask them to bring a few more. Can't find either of my two duvets, or a hairdryer, which shows how full the place still is.

Read in several places lately that afternoon tea is coming back into fashion - about a year after I was obsessed with the idea. Well, I have the apparatus, but most people I know prefer coffee, don't like cakes, and invitations not involving copious quantities of booze are unlikely to be accepted.

Last year I bought a fake tree covered in fake snow. This was bought in the January sales. The idea was to have Christmas tree without baubles, covered in lights and maybe a star or fairy at the top. I think I will stick with this idea. Just one or two lights in my snowball glass things in the room and bits of silver here and there. I shall need a very large set of tiny white lights. I am not sure about having lights though. We shall see.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Pricey Wine, Awkward Encounter and New Specs

Rather funny. Just selected a bottle of Osborne 10RF Oloroso sherry for the raffle. Picked up a bottle of something with a nasty label which I thought might also do, then googled it. Called Forever, by Kirnbaum, 2003 turns out to cost £54 a bottle so may keep until Christmas!

Popped down to Specsavers to collect my new specs. Unfortunately our old caterer came in and started asking about the New Year party, saying she needed the work etc. I reminded her that I had said last year would be the last party, and I did rather wimp out at this point and said that Romy was generally organising the caterers. She was interested in going on the Turkey & Tinsel break. I said I would ask, but there were probably long queues on the waiting list, particularly since she wanted two places. I think she realised that it was unlikely she would be able to go.

Saw a good way to cook bacon on TV. Heat the oven to 200, then put the bacon slices on to a baking sheet, cover with another baking sheet and cook - they said 8 minutes I saw 15 - 20 depending on the bacon if you want it really crispy.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Busy Saturday

Just packing my sixteenth case. The room is full of packing cases. I shall be so glad to get rid of them. My new commode which is shaped like a box is waiting for someone to carry it downstairs. My friends tell me it is actually an original 'thunderbox' which sounds rather alarming.

Bought a clock battery, four canvases, some more glucosamine (rather expensive, but despite some reports to the contrary it does seem to work very well) and had lunch (prawn Penang curry) at Lye Torng. Delicious. Am reading the Mighty Atom, by Marie Corelli which is quite gripping so far, though written in the usual overblown Victorian style. Plenty of references to Combe Martin (known as Combmartin then) and the Pack O'Cards.

I keep finding so much stuff! And I keep thinking of getting rid of more stuff. I only have a few boxes left. I think when I ask them to collect I will ask for a few more boxes to fill as I can see myself going on and on. How ridiculous for one person to have so much paraphernalia. The house still seems crammed full, despite my efforts.

Friday, 16 October 2009

First Thing Saturday Morning

I have now packed eleven boxes. I am now going through the kitchen and also, my clothes. I am finding it harder and harder to get rid of stuff, though there's still far too much of it all over the place. I shall have to be firmer with myself.

I have fallen by the wayside on the shopping front, having purchased both Bob Dylan's Christmas CD, which is supposed to be fairly appalling, and for that reason appeals to me greatly, and also Barbara Cartland's book on etiquette, because it is apparently quite amusing and may make an instructive Christmas present to someone. I shall read it first. At least they won't take up too much house space.

A weekend of more packing stretches out ahead, relieved by the arrival of Ocado on Sunday morning. I may purchase a couple of canvases this morning. On Tuesday there's a musical afternoon for the punters, preceded by lunch, and with a raffle. I have been folding tickets and taking the price labels off prizes. I may purchase a box of chocs as a prize. We are trying some new caterers, with a view to using them for our January party if they are any good. We shall see.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Wednesday Events

Came home from shopping and my cleaner was there. Seems she had a D & C at London Bridge Hospital, and when she came to, they had removed some haemorrhoids she had had for years which were not troubling her! Be careful when you sign forms! This explains why she is still not completely recovered from the op. Dear me, this would not have happened in an NHS hospital.

I have now packed seven boxes and it looks as though there is enough stuff for another seven at least. We shall see.

In a cab discussing Damien Hirst's new show at the Wallace Collection - a favourite place of mine - and the cabbie showed me a snap of a self portrait done by his daughter in the style of Rauschenberg - very impressive. Then he revealed that he has just written a novel - a crime mystery - and it may well get published. I said I wanted a signed copy and he promised this if I contacted the publishers when it came out. Gosh, the world is an exciting place!

Met Catriona and Kate at Sardo's. We had an excellent dinner and chatted about our legacies from Bren, and the old days at UCH. We were all agreed that we had left for better things and were much happier with our lot in life.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Tuesday evening

Made a good impromptu dinner tonight. Fried three chopped onions and three garlic cloves in olive oil, added a large chopped picante chorizo sausage, then 1pt chicken stock and 2tbsps tomato puree. Adding a couple of bayleaves and cooking for a bit, then a handful of pasta and cooking until the pasta is ready. By this time it absorbed most of the liquid. Tasted delicious. Finished off with a glass of PX from my current supply. Figs in a glass - fab.

Today we spent the afternoon seeking raffle prizes. The shops looked shabby and disappointing, but we had a good coffee break at Paul's where we shared a slice of tarte de myrtilles which was very good.

Discovered large quantities of odd glass and china which is never used, so packing that up, too. I shall soon have some space in my flat, finally.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Tidying and Boxing

Could not get hold of Age Concern so rang the Trinity Hospice people in Walworth Road. They arrived with absolutely masses of flatpack boxes which they will take away when I fill them. The problem is, when I try to assemble the boxes there is nothing to keep them together, i.e. the bottom just doesn't fix so I shall have to purchase huge quantities of sellotape or something to fix them. However, while awaiting the delivery I managed to assemble a box of books and three jewel cases full of cheap silver and retro costume jewellery which I don't need any more. So I have made a start. Can't do much more without the sellotape.

Have found a way of kind of tucking them in. Sizzling chicken for lunch at Lye Torng with Bloody Mary. I have now packed two boxes - one with glass etc and one with other odds and ends. Saw my GP this morning and stocked up with masses of drugs - having read the possible side-effects, will put up with a spotty face and forego the Tetracycline I think. My packing seems to involve discovering things I didn't know I owned, sorting and throwing things away more than actually packing things up. Julian has gone to fetch me some milk from Tesco,which is kind, since I haven't managed to get that far today.

Another two boxes and a bag - proof above. Will carry on for the next couple of weeks or so.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Sunday - Getting A Bit Cold Outside

Left 'how to be good' and another paperback on top of a bin in St.George's Road. A few minutes later they were gone. I shall dispose of some more things by this method. Ray in Lye Torng tells me that if I pack everything up that is useful (a year's job in itself) that Age Concern will come and pick it all up for their charity shops. I may well do this.

Meanwhile my Daily Express songbook has arrived, containing nearly every song I remember from my schooldays, and more. Some titles - 'A hunting we will go','All throught the night', Annie Laurie,A-Roving, The Ash Grove, Begone dull care, Bonnie Doon, The British Grenadiers, and another eighty or so!

Rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish

Bagged up a load of shoes. Just threw away two Butler & Wilson boxes, then found the necklace and earring sets which came in them so rapidly retrieved them. This is the kind of problem I am faced with. Maybe I should take an item out every time I leave the house and kind of dump it in a place where someone may find it. Found a huge pile of books. Oh God, it is never-ending. Just found my lampe Berger with two lots of oils. I never did get the knack of using this. I may put most of it away again until I reach a conclusion about what to do. Eeek, just found a Spectator cartoon book.

Much Too Much

Dear me. Madeleine rang to give me an important number. Unfortunately I was downstairs where I dont have anything to write things on and it would have taken me ages to get upstairs so I wrote it on a scrap of paper which I have now managed to lose. Hopeless.

Looking around the flat at all the things I have bought makes me realise I need help. I found a snap of my bedroom the other day looking really nice, and could not quite understand why until I saw there was absolutely no clutter whatsoever. What I should do is get rid of almost everything, just keeping a few paintings and things of value. Trouble is, the rest isn't all absolute rubbish. I am thinking of my green uranium glass, most of my paperweights and stuff like that. I also have far too much stuff crammed into cupboards: candlesticks, perfumed candles and other bric a brac.

I have too many hats, mostly pretty daft fifties ones, bags, shoes, etc as well - all dating from mad obsessions with various things leading to overexpenditure at Ebay, etc. I have managed to rein back any further purchases of bedding, having enough for a decent sized house rather than a two bedroomed flat, but towels are still creeping in. Tablecloths are too much again.

Even the kitchen is overflowing - so much food it has to be kept on the work surfaces. I have become a squirrel, obsessively acquiring stuff and storing it. I have only just managed to start throwing away the millions of catalogues and junk mail without opening it all.

I need someone with lots of boxes and a large van to take it all away and chuck/sell/donate to Oxfam or whatever. I would also need plenty of helpers to help pack it all up.

Then I need to stop purchasing stuff - I am in definite danger here.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Sunny Saturday

Almost comatose today, but forced myself to collect a paper and have lunch at Lye Torng. Had a nice compliment on my black patent loafers from a 'young man'. Looked like a fashion student. He is now going to hotfoot it up to Russell and Bromley and examine their Rockafella boots. I told him he could get copies at Faith, or failing this could get some short biker style boots, buy two or three matching narrow belts with different studs, or stud them up himself, and wind around the boots in a decorative way - credit crunch fashion/less is more/ cheap chic etc.etc.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Alzheimer's Strikes Again

Had my eyes tested and my vision has improved but close up vision worsened so I now need varifocals. Two for one offer so purchased these plus a couple of single vision lenses to go in the frames I purchased on Ebay as well. I have one spare pair, so may have some varifocals put in those if I can cope with them. Still nearly £300 but apparently I saved £190.

When I returned, I opened the dishwasher to find my favourite old black glasses sitting on top of the knives and forks, rather unfortunately mangled by the hot water, so new specs will be timely. I am becoming a little vague.

Apparently I should have an eye test once yearly because of the family history of glaucoma. But I am sure I will forget!

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Surprise Encounter

Worky day yesterday. Things getting back to normal with Romy back from Spain, bearing gifts: the deeply wonderful Paladin chocolate drink and the even better 'Christmas in a glass' Dos Pasos which I shall treasure and open at Christmas.

A strange thing happened on the way out to lunch - we were walking down the street, Romy on the outside, when a cab suddenly stopped and the cabbie, seeing Romy, started singing a romantic song to her, finally grabbing her hand to kiss it, before driving off again. We were a little surprised. Romy was convinced that there was a secret camera somewhere and that it was being filmed. I told Romy it was her aura. We needed a tankard of champagne to recover our equilibrium.

Today I shall have my eyes tested and order some new specs. Next week we need to buy some raffle prizes for our music event the following week, have our annual report signed off and I have the day off on Wednesday for Roxy's memorial dinner. My flat is still a complete tip and I shall have to do more decluttering. It really is becoming ridiculous.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Combe Martin, Money, socks and Soup

I am hoping that Madeleine will google 'Marie Corelli and Exmoor' . She will see the connection with the Pack of Cards hotel. Quite interesting.

Worky day today. I am to meet some financial advisors who will no doubt give me some advice. Romy due back tomorrow thank goodness.

Some knee-high socks arrived today from Rather nice opaque colours, a good plum, rust, bilberry and violet. Some chocs arrived for both of us (I couldn't resist starting them) and a lovely bunch of flowers for Romy which I put in water. I hope they will last until tomorrow.

Trying the stockpot again since the rainy weather. This is the third day, and the mixture is getting more soupy, so may use it up as soup over the next few nights.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Half -Baked Oldie Thoughts

Watching The Choir on TV reminded me of all the old traditional songs we used to sing at school. Singing lessons were a weekly event, with a daily song or hymn also sung at morning assembly.

I had assumed that these songs had been around forever, but it seems that many of them had been resurrected during the 1920's after the war, when there was a national singing movement, first started for educational purposes, then hijacked by the popular press, notably the Daily Express, to encourage singing of patriotic songs to encourage some kind of social bonding within a community damaged by war.

Most of the songs we sung bore no relation to our day-to-day lives, but the tunes were all pretty good in a straightforward kind of way, and apart from the senior school where we sung 'Where'er you walk' which was rather difficult,they were really easy to sing.
Trying to remember some songs: 'The lass of Richmond Hill,' 'The Soldier boy', 'Dashing Away with the smoothing iron', 'Sweet Polly Oliver', 'David of the White Rock', 'I vow to thee my country', 'Jerusalem', 'Bobby Shaftoe' are just a few. There were of course at least fifty or more which we sang on a regular basis and got to know very well.

I am going to sound a real oldie saying this, but perhaps rather than just pandering to the X-factor generation's desperate attempts to attain individual fame, often regardless of any sign of talent, perhaps we should try and get more people together for some good old community singing, with old and new songs, which might well unite people in a positive way and encourage a positive communication, rather than the social isolation so often seen everywhere these days. Compulsory singing in all schools might be a very good start. And some of the better songs would not be forgotten so quickly.

Busy Day

Up pretty early this morning. Cab to Evans, and bought some tights and a snood. Then walked down to Marks and picked up a purple umbrella and some brown socks. Into Selfridges for coffee and lemon drizzle cake followed by the purchase of some wonderful Jo Malone Red Roses cologne and a free arm and hand massage. Finally alighted at House of Fraser where I bought some makeup and received a free goodie bag before sinking into a chair at the hairdresser upstairs. Felt better after a fairly extreme haircut (nearly bald) and colour and arrived home finally for a very late lunch at teatime.

Tried another painting which bit the dust fairly quickly and decided to abandon art for a short period.

Worky day again tomorrow.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

All in One Tart with Custard

Was watching Come Dine (a repeat) and someone from Devon did an excellent damson tart, first cooking the damsons with sugar, then baking the pastry blind. Then adding the damsons. However she made a custard from double cream, milk and six egg yolks sweetened with honey and poured this over the top and cooked for 30 minutes or so until set. I tried this but it didn't work quite so well as I was using blackberry and apple - too wet, but not entirely unsuccessful, and I can see it would work very well indeed with plums, cherries, etc, which are drier fruit. Anyway here's a snap of my efforts.

Can't Paint - Will Paint

Dear me! this is supposed to be a view of Combe Martin. You will note the houses toppling sideways going down the hill, the disproportionate 'toy' boat in the foreground, and the general amateurishness of the whole thing - sorry, forgot to mention the lurid colour, etc. etc.

Maybe Alzheimer's is in the house. I shall try one more of Combe Martin beach, then revert to faces and flowers, I suspect.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Wicked Kooky and Commode

Just had a horrible time - found Kooky outside teetering on the top of the fence which is all broken with nails sticking out etc. and he couldn't get down. I took out a table, a chair, a ladder and the black kitchen steps thing, but couldn't reach him. Eventually he plucked up the courage and scrambled down by himself, but not before I had knocked slates and shells into the pond and removed a pot plant. He really is a nightmare sometimes.

Commode arrived this evening. In pride of place in my room. Actually, it would make a good wine cooler!

It's the Weekend!

Kooky couchant. Ish.

Tried sleeping upstairs on the sofa but no luck, so went back down. I don't think I can fit in a loo under the stairs, so had a brainwave - why not get a commode! Not of course one of those horrible things which look very medical, but a good old fashioned Victorian thing. I have seen a couple of carved mahogany chairs which are pretty good and not at all revealing of their true use, but even better, just found a wonderful carved round stool on Ebay, which is in London. If I don't use it for the original purpose, it is quite attractive and filled with ice, would make a wonderful wine cooler!

Up extremely late today, having fed Kooky at about 7am. My neighbour may possibly move sooner than expected, having had an offer accepted on a little house in Kennington. Exciting for him, but I dread having new neighbours. Still, they may be all right. I just hope they aren't buying to let.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Red Wig

This is the red wig.

Blonde Wig

Here's wiggy me, snapped by Julian tonight.

Soap Trick

Read it in the children's bit of The Times today. If you put a cake of soap on some kitchen roll and put it in the microwave on full for two minutes, then leave for a minute to cool down, it kind of puffs up to quite a size. I thought it might make the soap last longer because it said it went hard, but it goes kind of crumbly. Good for a laugh, though.