They have gone. It is the next morning. My son and his wife came around last night and complained that the door to the boiler housing is the wrong size - too short and too wide. I must say I did not notice this when it was being fitted. There are a few other bits and pieces to do, but at least the major job has been done. My son and his wife cleared the sitting room for me after we had eaten a curry and watched TV for a bit. I still have stuff all over the place and the ceiling men are coming today. I think this is going to be the worst thing ever for dust and chaos, but it needs to be done.
The two guys are here: cups of tea and coffee first! At preliminary investigation the bulge in the ceiling was found to be dangling four inches below the joists. Most of the ceiling is down. It has been patched with plaster and in different places with plasterboard and just nails holding it on. The room is full of dust, the guys are covered in dust, the window has clouds of dust coming out, but fortunately they have hung 'curtains' over the doorway to minimise the amount of dust. There is a ceiling light wire which they will thread through so I can have a central light which is much needed in that room. I will need to change the switches so I can have the central one on or the wall lights separately.
They have just carried out about fifteen huge sacks of ceiling.It seems to have been patched up in ten places so it is just as well to change it. They have left the wall mouldings and they are going to patch into them.
My neighbour is complaining about dust all over his bathroom and hinting that my soundproofing might be less good with the new ceiling. If he only knew how terribly noisy he was, always running around upstairs. I have decided he does this instead of going to the gym, as it does not seem entirely normal. Mind you, I am so slow that any running is out of the question.
Escaped for lunch with my colleague. After lunch, we managed to find a wonderful adjustable bed for a client, and it is actually being delivered by the manufacturing firm tomorrow!
It is 5pm and they have had to put the central light fitting back into the ceiling since the wires have been cut off somewhere in the walls and we cannot therefore easily connect it. The room is almost ready for skimming the ceiling which is the final step. What I thought would take two days has taken only one. The main guy said it would have taken two if he had only had a young lad instead of an experienced helper.
I still have to stay at home tomorrow awaiting the gas man before I can use my hob again. They are now starting to skim the ceiling. Apparently this is really hard work. The plaster looks brownish but is apparently pink so the whole place will look revolting until redecorated. Maybe I should get the floor done soon. Very soon even.
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