Googling the meaning of 'pithy pars' - used in old fashioned books - it seems to mean anything written in a succinct way, conveying lots of meaning in few words 'pars' being Latin for words. Basically, the opposite of the way I write. Tant pis, as my ex would say.
Made me think about Jess and copywriting. His work is very much aimed at the very young, and I wondered who chased the grey pound in copywriting terms. I have this image of old ladies and gents sitting in their conservatories among the plants, hand writing advertising copy for oldie items. Perhaps it is where older copywriters end up, unless they become account executives, as they used to be called in the marketing business.
My amaryllis (above) has shot up to about 20" with a large bud on top. I now notice another small bud emerging from some leaves at the bottom, so I may have a bargain here. I had no idea how long they took to flower, as it will obviously be some weeks from now and I bought it in early November, whenever it was I went to Bluewater. I have also forgotten what colour it is going to be, and am hoping for a cream flower.
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