Poor old Malvolio. He hid in a cupboard for two days, only coming out to be fed. He has recovered quickly from his op and hid again today when he was supposed to be having a check-up, so I cancelled his appointment. I think he needs to spend a few weeks recovering from the trauma.
I went to the SE1 party on Saturday where they had an elaborate spoof 'SE1 play' which was quite amusing. The cake was excellent and I saw a few people I knew including Wendy, one of the forum posters, Ken, one of our trustees, Eileen who does our catering at parties, and I met Lee Hatts and his charming mother. Recognised a few neighbours as well.
My ex turned up as promised. He complained of social isolation so I handed him a copy of the Southwark Pensioners newsletter. He was interested in trying the computer classes. He told me his recent grand mal fit was brought on by stress because of the Iraq war which I rather doubted,but who knows? This had led him to consider his mortality and say he wanted to leave his small bits of money to Dorothy, and a musical instrument, which Dorothy could sell. He also wanted me to get another instrument to his daughter in Barcelona which I agreed to do, and a third rather special one which was handmade by a specialist he wished to leave to a serious music student. I told him I was quite well placed to do this as there are a couple of local charities who give grants and musical instruments etc to students. He was reassured to hear this and invited me to a jazz session at his local pub, the Golden Anchor, in Evelina Road next Sunday at 2pm. I said I would go if I could make it.
Dorothy is avoiding him, so I was rather embarrassed when Dorothy rang my mobile in the middle of all this, saying they were coming around to collect some post. I was hoping that they would arrive later, but just as my ex was leaving I saw them coming down the road. I made panicky faces at them, and when they saw my ex they turned around and walked off quickly. I rang Dorothy on my mobile who was not a happy bunny and said I should have told them not to come. I was rather caught on the hop, and hope my ex did not see them. Pity they didn't collect their post, as I had made a very good gazpacho and a queen of puddings.
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