This is one I did from a snap of me in a vintage fifties fox f-- scarf purchased from Ebay. I like the completely insane look in the eyes. I can see I shall have to paint some garden plants when the weather improves. Perhaps they will also look insane and surreal, who knows?
Just hearing on the news about two families in a self-imposed quarantine with swine flu. Seems their symptoms are cough, sore throat, headache, fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. Hmmmm. Romy sent two punters back in a taxi from the holiday with diarrhoea and vomiting, and another threw up in the coach all the way back. I thought it might be something else but now wonder if they had swine flu, and hope Romy doesn't get it now.
Julian turned up today with a 'notebook barbecue' which folds pretty flat which she found in Heals. I have stored it behind a door, waiting for better weather. I made some bread today, and I have chopped and melted some onions with a bit of garlic. I shall make some small pissaladiere tarts which will hold together better than a large tart, I hope.
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