Sunday, 23 August 2009

Vic's Birthday Bash

'Very nice dear - not sure I can manage the whole plate'

My friend Vic's birthday at her Syrian pal's cafe in Hammersmith. Just a few of us this time and we enjoyed the evening. The whole place has become even more kitsch (if possible) and there's a very jolly atmosphere. Gladioli all over the place, Araby hanging lamps, chinese lanterns and fans etc. The food is somewhat oversubstantial: we started with hummus, aubergine dip, cauliflower fritters, heaps of garlicky prawns and a few other things. The main event was rice with fresh sardines, and a large sea bass each on a bed of broad beans, surrounded by various kinds of red and white foliage and whole beetroot "good against cancer!" said Vic. After this, there was a birthday cake iced with mango mousse as Vic cannot have dairy, and after that, a huge sliced watermelon was placed on the table. Vic's agent, and a couple of other very pleasant friends were there, so a very good evening was had by all, helped by champagne flutes on stalks but without bases - forcing one to down the entire glass.

I escaped at about 1.30am, and am still recovering from all that overeating.

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