Bit of a bad night tossing and turning. Slept very little. Pain is so boring. On the plus side I heard Charlie Gillett's world music on the World Service, and as a result have purchased a couple of CDs: Concha Buika's El Ultimo Trago from which they played Vamonos, and Yasmin Levy's Sentir. Lovely music. Anyway must somehow get the mattress turned which may well help, since my bed in Hayling was much better. If that fails, i shall have to purchase a new mattress light enough for me to turn over.
Received a most amusing card for my forthcoming birthday from my brother Michel. It looks like the cover of an art magazine with my photograph put in - another Moonpig special - clever boy!
Still no pudding basin because of the pouring rain. Every intention of getting one today but looked outside and it is still pouring. Kooky is very cross with me, having had to stay in for so long.
This is a painting taken from a snap of Annabel at the wedding last year.
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