Was watching the New Year's Day concert on BBC2. It is great fun - totally kitsch - Radetsky march finale, the audiance joining in with enthusiasm. Broadcast from Vienna. I have managed to miss out on this in previous years. The ballet dancers were absolutely hilarious - frocks by Valentino, men in black tights with proper shoes and tailcoats.
I have changed the bedding (above) to a nice blue check covered by my retro granny blankets. I have observed that when they depict chavvy country people on TV, these crochet squares are invariably displayed in their houses. I now know my place. Actually, Madeleine tells me they have them at the hospice but crocheted in tasteful pastel colours by volunteers and she says they are very nice. I think Nibby or Saffron would make them in shabby chic colours and they could look pretty good, but mine are brazen and kitsch from Ebay. While we were in Peter Jones, the staff were getting all excited about some union jack cushions which had just come in and were 'flying out'. One of them was the cushion I bought two or three years ago from Ancestral Collections (above).
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