Dear me. Pete has been working like a slave all day. Unfortunately I did not hear the front door despite staying in all day and my neighbour (daughter of one of the punters) took my curtain rail delivery in. This gave her an opportunity to drag her father over the road to trade insults about me and shout at Pete (poor sod was trying to fill a couple of pots in the front). Strangely, all this apparently before receipt of the letter we sent him explaining our offers of a holiday this year. She demanded that Romy visit her father and they both called me a liar, stating that it was because of their previous complaints about the food that we would not take him on holiday with the group. Again, she was going to take matters up with 'the committee'. I was 'just a clerk'and Pete was 'just a gardener' and 'not medical'. She really is a pain. I suggested she wait until she had seen the letter before continuing to shout the odds in the street, but it was a while before they both ran out of wind. I may have to move immediately!
Later in the back garden I could hear her shouting about her grievances to as many neighbours as would listen. I think Pete feels a bit sorry for me living opposite her, but I was sorry that because they had seen him working on my pots in the front, they felt they could come over and shout at him from the pavement. Sad to have such unpleasant neighbours and to have to be involved with them. They caused such a lot of trouble last year as well. I feel quite harassed.
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