Here's the Kookster in a takeover bid for my bed.
Tuesday. Uneventful time at work with Romy in Spain, and due back in the office today. We have an outing on Monday which I must remember to attend. People kept ringing up wanting to change their outing dates when they discovered friends were going on another day. Oh well.
Wednesday. At St. Thomas with the neurologist. Two pieces of good news: I can have a scan done privately on the NHS in Harley Street on a scanner designed like a hamburger rather than a sausage machine made specially for claustrophobics. Also, my dizzy spells are almost definitely caused by some calcified bits and pieces rattling around my inner ear upsetting my balance and producing the symptoms. This can usually be dealt with by exercises with a specialist physio, aimed at locating these tiresome calcifications in a less upsetting place. I can see rather a margin for error here. Hmmm.
Thursday. Nibby back from Lucca last night with tales of wonderful villas, towns, churches, people and painting. Her sketchbook of harlequins had been very much admired, and was apparently very similar to work done by a well known Italian artist, which pleased her.
Rang Dorothy who booked a table at Arbutus - fortunately they had a last-minute cancellation and had a superb dinner there. It was Dorothy and Julian's only chance to meet up with Nibby, since she is going up to Macclesfield after spending the weekend in Surbiton. It was nice to have a get-together, especially as Dorothy is always so busy. Julian is looking after Kooky when I go to Torquay soon. Julian may come and stay here, which would be good as the garden may get watered while I am away.
Nibby has been invited to lunch in South Kensington today by the best man at her wedding many years ago. I'd love to be a fly on the wall. Hope it's fun for her.
Seems she won't now be coming back, as she will spend her last night with Bear, who will take her to the airport on 24th. Boo Hoo. Oh well, she says she's coming back to stay in a year or two.
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