Here's the monster, growing happily.
Sorted out an appointment finally from the Choose and Book people: it seems, as Romy had suspected, that there is only one clinic between Guy's and Tommy's, so the 'choice' offered me did not in fact exist. I was foolish enough to google kidney stones, innocently thinking they were kind of round things like gallstones. No wonder they hurt like hell, as they can be pointed, sharp, star-shaped etc. A little knowledge........
Very irritating meeting the other night, but at least it's over until September now. Feeling somewhat jaded after this, today we somehow got the summer newsletter out and repaired to Fish where Romy purchased a wonderful lunch. I had thought I was buying, so ordered pretty freely. I shall definitely pay next time. We had a smoked haddock rarebit starter on tomatoes which was fabulous, followed by lobsters with mixed salad, and puddings of ice cream and sticky toffee. After coffee I could hardly walk. Eating so much is not ideal, particularly as one of the punters had sent in some snaps of me on the holiday wearing a sundress with giant flowers on it. I know I am absolutely enormous, but the large flowers made me look like a giant tablecloth with a head sticking out of the top, arms at the side and legs at the bottom. I shall either dye it black or convert it into cushions. I need to go on the 50% diet immediately, i.e. eat only 50% of whatever is on the plate. I shall postpone this no doubt for a day or two, or put it into action when dining out.
Kooky is lolling on the bed on his back with his back legs sticking up in the air, his huge rear paws with furry fronds at the ends. I suspect his previous vet may have deliberately removed most of his teeth. He certainly had a wild moment this morning but I managed to divert an attack on me with one of his toys which he savaged for several minutes.
Julian and Dorothy are off to Spain today. I do hope they manage to have a relaxing week in the sun.
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