Here's another not v. good snap of me wearing the creamy coloured Goks which will be good in the summer. Gok has rather cleverly designed these specs for the mass market. The fact that they are cream rather than white somehow makes them easier to wear with everything, and the shape is very good: just a little retro. With my evil Goks, he has been rather clever with the design in that they are quite extreme, but rather than colour them black, he has coloured them dark grey, with a matte, barky design. The only objection I have to the dark ones, is that I would prefer the round part of the frame to be larger. The result on me is less David Hockney, and more Grandma Moses. I can see why he did it though.
Julian has given me some probiotic kind of capsules which I have to take once a day. These are full of vile-sounding bugs so should be effective. Must remember NEVER to take bran again. I have had to stay at home, having a very quiet week, while the work mounts up. I shall go back next Tuesday.
I may venture forth a bit today. I managed to get the tiny fountain working in the pond yesterday, which means I will have to clean it every day until all the muck from the pond has gone.
At lunch in the Lye Torng, Louise told me her best friend had died in hospital the night before, at only forty years old. Though she had been ill for a long time, it came very suddenly. They had known each other since the age of eight. All Louise's friends from those days are now dead, which is very sad. I think going to work was helping her cope, but she was very distressed, of course. I shall have to try and think of something nice for her.