Saturday 12 March 2011

Sun's Day

Hooray, lost 1lb. Total 41lb only another 90 or so to go. Dear me.

The Japanese disaster just gets worse with a second nuclear reactor facing meltdown, too.

Brief call from Dorothy. Sounds like Chicago was damned cold with snow and wind and all work with no play. I expect they are glad to be at home. I was afraid they might want to move there, but seems unlikely, fortunately. Nibby is due back in England in August, her house sale having just gone through.

I am up betimes because of cat person arriving to see me this morning at 9am.

The cat lady arrived and took copious notes about the Kookster: feeding times, food eaten etc. etc. and I gave her a key. I am expecting a large invoice to arrive by email some time soon.

Went to M & S and purchased a paper, some hot smoked salmon and dressed crab. I am back on my dietary foods of Knorr's chicken noodle soup, (45 cals a serving), diet jelly (11 cals) with added raspberries (20 cals). But will treat myself to some dressed crab on lettuce with lemon this evening after the soup.

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