Dorothy and Julian arrived, behind a vast bunch of red lilies, which were duly put in my vase on the dining table. We then set off for dinner.
We went to Wild Honey which was very nice. I managed to avoid the cocktail at the beginning, but my starter of foie gras was rather large. I then went on to have a large and excellent steak, but unfortunately ate most of the tortilla served with it. Apart from drinking far too much wine, I then went on to compound my dietary indiscretions by partaking of a honey ice cream with honeycomb toffee. Oh dear. Without being able to precisely account for each item, I think my estimate of 1400 calories is on the mean side here. It was a fabulous dinner, and very enjoyable, though.
Today, so far I have compensated a little. Instead of breakfast I had a decent cappuccino at Marks in Oxford Street, followed later by some pork with raw cabbage strips at Lye torng. I purchased some underwear in Marks, and found an excellent turquoise coloured flat sheet for the guest room. The Oxford Street Marks really does have some excellent clothes and home stuff. I was rather tempted by a huge felt pouffe, absolutely covered in large cut felt flowers in various greeny shades. Fortunately it was quite expensive, so I escaped without it.
It had been absolutely freezing when I went out, forgetting a coat. When I arrived at Oxford Street I went into Primark for the first time, and was amazed to find a kind of greyish cape thing for only £25 which actually fitted and went with what I was wearing, so I made my first purchase there. It really doesn't look bad at all.
Julian and Dorothy have confessed that they had a huge present for me, and will attempt to bring it over tonight. It is a 6' olive tree in a pot. Julian will try and repot it, and it will go against the fence. I have always wanted an olive tree, and used to look after a couple of these for my ex neighbour upstairs before he moved.
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