Had a super day: went through the antique shop at Buratta's like a locust, acquiring a chair, two large hampers, curtains, silk throws, a giant cream paper flower, cushion covers, a quilt, a basket etc etc. Seems Madame Buratta is an artist, which explains her very good taste in acquiring fabulous things. This extreme purchasing was followed by a very good lunch at Buratta's, then on to Henley Rowing Museum by the river. Looked around the Wind in the Willows exhibition with Romy before devouring an ice cream, then back to Borough. Managed to cram my purchases into the cab somehow, though they did look rather like a bring and buy sale on the pavement while we waited.
In the evening, I packed things away. The hampers were very handy for tidying up tablecloths, blankets etc. which had been lying about the house. The basket, which is very deep, has proved excellent for storing shoes. The curtains and two quilts will be perfect for my bedroom, and the chair, which is a hilariously ornate yellow boudoir chair, has been colonised (naturally) by Kook, leaving the chaise longue free for me. Result. Oh, and I also bought rather a fine table lamp which helps to illumine the sitting room.
Back to reality today.
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