Damn cold on Sunday. I ventured off to M & S, trying to restrict my purchases, but finally bought rather a lot. I saved £20 on the bill with the offers available and they called a cab, who loaded all my stuff up for me.
The very expensive tree in a pot had arrived on Saturday. I decorated this to within an inch of its life in silver decorations plus some clear glass bits, not that this shows in the snap. This somehow looked inadequate so I added several crystal chandelier chains and droplets. The huge set of lights I purchased last year had looked very ugly since there were masses of obtrusive wires. I took these off and curled them in a large glass vase where they look fine in the hall. I found some tiny sets of lights in Marks, three for two, so bought six sets. The advantage is that they are battery lights. The disadvantage is I have to switch five sets on, so I may restrain this activity to Christmas Eve, Christmas day evening, and Boxing Day evening. The extra set I have run along the mantelpiece. I am still not satisfied with the large bucket holding the tree. I put it on a tray on a stand and covered it and the tray in tinfoil, and then piled up various silver baubles around it. I may remove these. We shall see.
I hauled down some silver: drinking mugs, teapots, fruit dishes, jugs and sauceboats, pepper and salt things etc. to have fun polishing over the next few days. I shall use my white lace tablecloth and white linen napkins with silver candlesticks. I have a large tureen and may fill this with things as a centrepiece. If I could find a large piece of unframed mirror I would put it on this. My niece uses unframed mirrors very effectively in this way. All this activity and the place is still a tip. Decluttering will loom closer in the New Year.
I tried to go on a Waterloo Action bus pass outing today. Packed something to eat and drink and went to Baylis Road to set off as advertised to the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. Ha ha. When I arrived the receptionist said the outings were only on Wednesdays. I really began to believe I had galloping dementia, since there was nothing on any of the publicity leaflets she showed me, so I slunk back home in shame, only to discover they were advertising the outing on their website. I wrote an email pointing out that if they cancel, there seems to be no way of letting anyone know about this. No reply yet. Shan't try again though. Happily it meant I could have lunch at the Lye Torng and it pissed with rain later. Louba insisted on paying for my rye bread at the Elephant & Castle, and we had a coffee upstairs. She pressed a box of chocolates on me as I left, after regaling me with the complicated details of her love life.
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