Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Dentist and Rainy Day

Visit to dentist involving another £60. Christ, how does anyone live on a State pension? Good thing I didn't have to pay O2 a hundred and thirty to visit and possibly fix the mess they caused. Would rather do without the phone. So still no home phone of course.

Pissing with rain outside, but fond memories of Julian's most excellent pancakes last night which helps with the misery. I wish I could make these really well. I may try some time, though I expect a lifetime's experience would help. I have only tried sporadically.

Earlier I planted several hyacinths in the garden. I have a pretty blue hyacinth in a pot inside still and some mini daffodils from M & S which were only £1 a pot. So pretty and the hyacinths will scent the living room. Amaryllis still flowering away but will be over in a week or two.

The birds have certainly been making inroads into the fat balls in the garden. I bought a huge box of fifty, so have been replenishing them almost daily. The fish are enjoying the new weed I put in the pond. The little dark fish is growing a bit and becoming slightly more orange, which is now coming through the dark brown scales.

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