Thursday 18 October 2012

Mrs Piggy

I seem to do nothing but eat at the moment. I cannot continue blaming the changeable weather but I am feeling very unsettled. Yesterday I went to see my friend David's studio in New Cross. He is doing huge oil paintings which make me feel quite inferior with my little scribblings. Anyway, it was interesting to see what he is doing and I met another of his artist friends, Karen, there. She also does figure painting which is so different and rather good. I may take up knitting soon but I suspect I would be always dropping stitches and so on. Anyway, today I read about a dodgy pub in East Street which has changed hands recently, so decided to sketch it today. The yellow has turned out rather sulphurous, but tant pis. The pub was full of old men who swore a lot and talked in hushed tones so I suspect the clientele has changed less than the management. I was the only woman in the public bar. On Saturday we are going to the Natural History museum which will make a change.

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