Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Parties and Pom Poms

Had a good day at work, Romy doing sterling stuff with holidays, outings, parties, etc. colour coding applications and working out how many attenders and so on. New Year party highly oversubscribed, but not enough to justify two parties. We decided to invite members and spouses only, and to otherwise allow only more than one ticket where helpers were actually needed, as members and trustees were the priority.

Romy's brother-in-law and wife were at the office on business with some antique chairs and they kindly invited this antique out for a birthday luncheon at Guiseppe's, a little Italian place up the road. I discovered that Romy's sister-in-law makes the most beautiful dense pom poms, some of which she had hanging from a scarf. Apparently she makes these just by winding wool across her hand, tying the middle and trimming. This is easier than using a pom pom maker, but requires more trimming at the end, which is no hardship. Must try this method. Anyway, we had a lovely lunch before getting back to the party question. We could purchase raffle prizes while on the Turkey and Tinsel break, also in the January sales, where we might find some bargains. Last year we had far too many small prizes, due to donations, so we have decided to provide fewer and better prizes this year.

I shall be meeting my old UCH colleagues here on Sunday week, the day before I leave for Eastbourne. We shall have a drink here then probably stagger off to the Caprini for lunch. They will be able to admire/criticise my new sitting room.

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