Sunday 20 April 2008

Stuff and Nonsense

I hope Dorothy will manage to put the curtain rail up in Sally's room before she arrives. Also I cannot move the blind up in my sitting room as the mechanism has come off the rail and it is stuck down, which means I can't water my window box outside.

I hear that John Prescott has bulimia. Reminded me that I keep forgetting to take the Hoodia, which has to be taken one to half an hour before eating. The last time I remembered was lunchtime yesterday. I shall persist because it takes a month to kick in apparently. Found my cardigan today ferreted away under another pile of clothes.

Dorian a bit depressed when I went in for a bloody Mary today. It seems the diva, happily away for a couple of weeks, is due back on Wednesday which will no doubt complicate his life.

Fell asleep during the TV awards last night. I hope the washing machine turns up today.

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