Quite like this old picture I found of my mother. Very wartime.
Back at work again. Managed to sort out some bits and pieces. Made some rather good lemon yoghurt today. Did yet another machineload of washing.
Poor Nibby. When I rang her she was quite distraught. A power line had fallen when a branch hit it and knocked out all her electricity, i.e. everything in her house including a new air conditioner and causing explosions and flames etc. The electricity company said it was an act of God and she would have to claim on her insurance which of course means she has to pay the first $500, and she will not have enough to cover the mortgage. Every time she starts selling some paintings and sorting out her finances, disaster seems to strike.
Then Madeleine rang to say her mother is due to move into a nursing home, and her brother had started to interfere, disapproving of the home and trying to persuade her mother that she didn't want to go. We had a long discussion and she is going to try and persuade her brother that it is entirely their mother's decision, and her mother can return home at any time if she doesn't like the place.
Seems everything is going wrong and life is back to normal.
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