Sunday 3 August 2008

Bag Lady Is A Chav - Official

Had a very pleasant couple of hours with Madeleine outside the National Theatre watching a latino band called Merengada. There was a great atmosphere with people dancing and quite a crowd around, some hanging over the balconies, and even people watching from Waterloo Bridge.

Then Madeleine went home and I went to see 'Afterlife' by Michael Frayn.

I lasted about ten minutes before I started nodding off. A trumpet fanfare kept me awake right at the beginning, but when I realised that this was a morality play kind of within a morality play, full of stageiness and repetition, I became slightly comatose.

The last straw was the rhyming couplets throughout. I slipped out rapidly at the interval.

I felt I had found my level when I sat down to watch Big Brother on TV, sighing with relief to be back at home in my messy flat. I rang Dorothy to confess my failure to appreciate high culture and my embrace of the lowest kind of entertainment. Malvolio curled up beside me and my world was complete.

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