My nephew Bear has completely transformed my back garden. He has got rid of the rubbish and trimmed everything back, so the place seems twice the size, as well as getting rid of all the weeds between the paving stones. if the weather ever improves I shall spend as much time there as I can in future.
Dorothy and Julian went to the nursing home in Putney to visit their grandmother, who, although she recently opted to move there, is understandably finding it hard to have such a huge change and to settle in. Julian said that there is a rather harsh central light in the room which shines into her eyes, and that the side lights are a bit dim if the central light is turned off. There is a bedside touch light, but Julian felt that one of the IKEA lamps with a dimmer would be a good option as these can be turned up or down to any level without producing glare, and they are looking into this. Also, from the bed it is hard to see anything much. When looking ahead there is a blank wall, and when turning, just the corner of a wardrobe. Julian felt that a painting should be put where it could be seen from the bed, which would mean making a hole fairly high in the wall there. Julian is always keenly observant, and seems able to notice and understand all kinds of things that no one else would even think about. We shall see. I was going over there tomorrow but Madeleine has persuaded me to leave it until next weekend, and then to go over with her.
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