It's my first experiment in painting in artificial light - not very successful, as the painting seemed to suddenly become an alarming cacophony of livid yellow and reddish purple - necessitating the application of a dirty white wash (see above) so it is now a mere shadow of its former self. I got rid of the pencils as they were driving me mad. However I shall not give up - I will work on something else so that I can put everything away for the arrival of the cleaner tomorrow - then have another attempt at it on Friday.
However I shall slack off for a bit over the weekend as I shall be concentrating on my starter and choosing what to wear for Monday's first SE1 dinner party in the Leathermarket. Since my ingredients are coming from Ocado on Friday morning, I may have to visit the Turkish supermarket in Walworth Road to buy more dill on Monday, as they sell it in huge bunches.
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