It was considered that the bike rack should be removed before it could be used so Dorian dashed over and had it off in a jiffy. Just as well because less than two hours later one of the new incumbents were heard in the hall, later to be joined by the other. I somehow felt slightly under siege. However they did not ring my bell but wandered around upstairs, probably considering where to put their furniture.
Had a long chat with Madeleine, and agreed to meet before Christmas. I have a few other bits and pieces beside the pudding for her to take down to Brighton. We pledged to make a visit to Tate Britain in the New Year.
Kooky has taken to lying on the floor in the corner behind the tree, like a little black fox, one yellow eye staring out at me. He occasionally plays with a branch, but mainly lies there having a wash.
Watching a programme about Russian art. Had not realised that Peter the Great stayed at the diarist John Evelyn's house in Deptford. And basically wrecked the joint, vomiting into the flowerbeds and having drunken wheelbarrow races, shooting the locks off the doors etc. Such larks!
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