Saturday, 8 May 2010

Saturday Post

Kooky woke me at 6am, so got up and fed him. Went back to bed with coffee, croissants and Mapp and Lucia. Eventually bathed and arose to go to the framing shop with some of my French magazine ad pages. Spent ages choosing frames including some ready-mades which I quickly mounted up. Trying to knock a picture hook into the wall I knocked down the cuckoo clock, which at first wouldn't work, until I disembowelled it to find a battery had fallen out. Now it is working perfectly but have taken it off the picture wall and hung it elsewhere in my room. Hanging more pictures will definitely be a ladder job, so I may call upon the services of someone tall and intrepid (and patient).

It is a really dull day, but Julian has done a wonderful job on the kitchen chaos. Much further to go, but at least it doesn't look like a rubbish dump any more.

Have been thinking about my 'wow' feature. I may well move a large painting from the wall behind my new dining table. I can put this on an adjacent wall, then purchase a hugely baroque mirror - very tall and fairly wide, and put this on the wall over the table. White, of course. Or putty coloured. We shall see what we can find. This would reflect the light coming from the window and make the place look much brighter during the day. Candles on the table would also be reflected.

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