Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday Boring

Ocado have not sent my Badedas. Curses. I shall now have to buy some bath stuff.

Ash not promising for Nibby's arrival on Tuesday at Heathrow. Crossed fingers all round.I have emailed her and told her to wait at the information desk. When I know the plane has landed I will leave and should be there in half an hour or so, by the time she has picked up her baggage and so on.

Sliced a small bit of the top of my thumb off this morning. Now I know the knives are sharp. I am so bored with my usual Sunday I may take a cab into town. The main problem is picking up a paper first. May get a bus to the nearest paper shop on the way, then hop into a cab. I am tempted by John Lewis for several reasons, including purchasing a first aid kit - realised I need one when failing to find a plaster this morning for the thumb.

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