Thursday, 16 September 2010

Drab Day

In the office yesterday, preparing for the evening meeting. Kook woke me at five thirty. I started work at nine, back home at eleven thirty at night. These days are too long for me. The meeting dragged on without much progress, then people hung around forever socialising. I was really flagging by about ten, and to cap it all, the taxi home was delayed.

This morning I was terribly tired. I had a dreadful foot cramp in the middle of the night keeping me awake. I dragged myself into work to draft the minutes, but left around two. Finished redrafting them in Lye Torng while downing a diet coke.

Watched the last part of The Young Ones this evening. Pity I missed the middle programme last night. This was really good and gave me a bit of hope - I wonder if the effects will last? Certainly if I lose weight I shall find walking a little easier which might brighten the spirits.

Since I had mistakenly purchased too much fresh food from Sainsburys, I decided to make a casserole.

Fried some tiny slices of chorizo and added a red onion and some garlic, then water. Then seasoned and chucked in half a white cabbage, a few onions, some smoked paprika, fines herbes, and lots of garlic. Cooked for a bit then added a little tomato puree. Topped with three sliced potatoes, more fines herbes and more seasoning. Simmered on the gas, covered for about 20-30 minutes. I had previously added all the calories and it came to 900 for the lot, so ate one third for dinner.

The toasties made with a small Warburton's loaf, a thin slice of ham and cheese with Worcester sauce are a great success at only 220 calories. I find that eating less during the day and 'saving' plenty of calories, ie. 6-700 for the evening works well, in that I usually end up eating fewer calories altogether.

Oh dear, I am such a diet bore. Stop now.

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