well, that's what it feels like.
Arrived back in pouring rain, met by community police, who helped unload the coach. Everyone managed to depart home without too much delay, despite relatives getting in the way while the coach was being unloaded. Some gossip from the coppers about a huge demo planned for 30 June - leave cancelled etc. etc. possible trouble from anarchists and Black Bloc. Sounded rather chic, so I said I might join. Misunderstanding where I was coming from, it was suggested that the riot police might get a bit nasty if I wore a balaclava so was not immediately identified as an old bat. Dear me, I was thinking of a black fascinator, or pillbox with a veil, long red nails and scarlet lipstick, Louboutins and a chic shift dress. Oh well, I don't suppose they would even notice who they were bashing over the head, judging by what we see in the press. I may stay at home and enjoy the violence on TV instead.
Anyway, the seaside weather was rather mixed, but stayed fine during outings to Rye and Brighton. In Rye, I found a sweet pair of old carved pink coral stud earrings which I had to purchase, and will go with my pink coral ring. I now need a pretty pink coral necklace. Or gold and coral. We shall see.
We inspected five new hotels, four in Brighton and one in Eastbourne, all possibilities for the future. Apart from that, and a couple of GP visits of a fairly non urgent nature, all was well and Romy and I managed to scour all the charity shops in Eastbourne, bringing home great bargain purchases.
Came back to a demanding Kook, who appears to have been well looked after by CDPOM in my absence . They even left a pint of milk for my return.
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