Friday, 30 March 2012

Gudrun Opening

Spent much of the afternoon trying to decide what to wear to this. Having first opted for brilliant colourful combinations, the sad realisation that six foot tall teenage models would make me look like a sad old mad person made me choose something more discreet and blackish, but a little arty, I hoped.

Outside the new shop in Monmouth Street, (which has smartened up a lot since I was last there), there were rickshaws full of said six foot teenage models all looking gorgeous in Gudrun's latest creations. We went in and were immediately greeted by Gudrun, tiny and very sweet, shaking hands continuously. The shop was brilliant - full of fabulous designs, huge flower arrangements including vast bunches of ranunculus, plants etc. Lots of happy people gathering armfuls of clothes to buy. Trust this shop to come along just in time for my penniless retirement!

I wandered about, bumping into people wearing Gudrun, and one woman wearing (rather more effectively) my black silk cardigan. People had come from all over the place, including a few from the West Country, Devon and Bristol. Drinks were served and canapes handed around the room. I opted for a mojito. Unfortunately, emboldened by this consumption, I purchased a pink top and very pretty cotton scarf.

It really was a lovely opening, with musicians, happy people all around, and Gudrun (who actually spoke to me during her little speech!!! how starstruck am I?) bringing the best feelings of the spirit of the sixties back to London.

I had better stop here before getting too carried away. Lovely large cotton goodie bags in her typical designs were handed to us as we left, filled with little Easter eggs, cosmetics, sketchbooks and postcards etc.

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