Saturday, 3 March 2012

Tame and Tired

That's me. For some reason I have been physically and mentally below par for a week or two. Nothing specific really, just tired and unmotivated. However I have purchased some more hyacinth bulbs and put them around the house, so watering and watching these should provide endless fun. I have also been listening to the Wilkie Collins biog exerpts on Radio 4 which has encouraged me to download several more of his books. Re-reading the Moonstone which is a rest cure after reading Armadale - full of convoluted plots and twists which are hard to keep up with.

Lunch with Romy. We shall not rush to eat at Elliots in Borough Market again. We were given something called 'confit of salmon'. Confit of goose is basically goose preserved in fat to be cooked later. The confit of salmon, though we were assured it had been cooked very slowly for a long time, was a huge hunk of what looked and felt, to the prod of a fork, like dark, raw salmon. At home I have done the Heston low and long cooked chicken which was rather more successful. This looked disgusting so we sent it back to be cooked right through before we could face it. Dear me. Of course it was fine when cooked properly.

Out tonight possibly for a meetup curry. Let's hope it is actually cooked. Perhaps they are trying to make the lack of actual cooking fashionable in order to save money in these hard times.

Looking forward to seeing Madeleine for lunch tomorrow. I must remember to actually cook the food. Maybe Dorothy and Julian might pop in, either for lunch or tea. We shall see.

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