These people bought a lovely grape vine at Barnes Fair on Saturday. I wish I had seen these for sale.
Mavis was very cute tonight and enjoyed being brushed. She is eating all her food too. I have made a desultory attempt at waving a hoover about and tidying up a bit, but my heart is not in it. Any attempt to really put my back into it ends up causing long periods of breathlessness, so better to take it easy. Finally my nephew left a telephone message. It seems he is going to Somerset until Thursday so may hook up on Thursday or Friday evening.
Got back exhausted at 10.20 after two evening meetings on the same night. Fed Malvolio and Mavis and went straight to bed.
Woke up at 5am feeling very restless. Had a bath and put some washing in the machine. Masses of birds performing their dawn chorus outside. Silent spring not quite here yet, then. I shall do the minutes this morning and finalise the seniors' holiday arrangements for Sunday, and this evening maybe think about packing some clothes for the week. Still more cleaning to do though.
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