I seem to be a bit obsessed with snapping the kitchen sink.
Bar Shu excessively spicy, but my neighbour tells me that they have just imported the new season's peppers from Szechuan, and these are always much hotter than the old ones. As we were due to go in to the restaurant, at least half a dozen extremely drunk Chinese guys came out, and had to be helped out by their more sober companions. I wonder if the spicier peppers add to the effects of alcohol.
Anyway, Julian came over today to wave the hoover all over the house, which made me feel I had somewhat wasted my time previously, since only now does it seem sufficiently clean. A whole lot of cheese from Borough Market also arrived and I was urged to eat this. Of course I had to open some wine to go with it, so a half bottle was quite useful - had some quite pleasant ordinary Cotes du Rhone, which made me fall asleep for an hour or two. Dorothy had been working all day.
I took a few more snaps around the house and in the garden, and am now trying to get some washing dry in the machine before finishing the packing.
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