I have been converted to Bluewater as a temple of retail worship. Nestling like a silvery space station with oast house chimneys in the middle of a quarry, it looks as though placed there by aliens. Spent several hours frantically shopping, and with difficulty found somewhere to have lunch. There is a marvellous selection of shops, and I even found a John Lewis where I bought some simple rope curtain tie-backs. They had a Hawkins shop, a very good Paperchase where I purchased a tiny black christmas tree for my new sitting room. Romy even found me some mini decorations for this. I think if I went again I should have to set off earlier and leave later.
We then went to Polhill Garden Centre. This is a huge place, which presumably started as a normal garden centre, but now sells vast amounts of Christmas decorations as well. I found most of my purchases for Malvolio here. There is also a huge food section with farmer's market type of food, lots of greengrocery stuff with Kent apples and so on.
Malvolio is lying elegantly curled up on the new sofa. He almost looks like a second round black cushion, but woke up when I took a snap of him. He is the second (lower) black lump on the sofa. I bought him some catnip which I put on and in the rattan chest (he likes it) and sprayed the new sofa with cat deterrent (unfortunately he seems to like that too). I bought him a wand with a catnip tail which he played with for a short while and a large catnip filled rope mouse - completely ignored so far. Well, at least he approves of some of the stuff I bought him.
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