The postal delivery never came. I expect they will try to deliver it today when I am out.
Poor Dorothy is feeling ill again. Some kind of 'flu type symptoms. I think a bit of a medical investigation is called for. Dorothy and Julian are always becoming ill. Hardly a week passes without their succumbing to a kind of 'flu or chest infection. I hope they will be well enough to come out to dinner next Monday.
Today some lamp scent came, and the doormat with the address on it.
We went to the Geffrye Museum. Unfortunately Julian could not come. Also, Romy had injured her back at the weekend. However we managed a wheelchair each. The rooms were decorated for Christmas and were charming. We had a very good lunch there and after inspecting everything piled back on to the coach to admire the lights in Regent Street, Oxford Street, and windows and buildings all the way to Chelsea before returning home.
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