Saturday, 22 November 2008

Flights of Fancy (Maybe...)

The strange cat is back. Romy suggested locking the cat flap door at night but I keep forgetting. This morning Malvolio and I were coming upstairs and we heard something running through the catflap. It came from upstairs so I suspect is sleeping in the sitting room, where there was a dent in the cushion on the sofa.

Today I shall be wearing purple, getting into the wedding spirit and attempting to nudge myself into feeling regal and superior. Found some rather jolly purple long socks, too. I shall look for my purple, gold and green handmade chandelier earrings, which are quite imposing. I must remember to bake some bread later. Must also find some more ground almonds and eggs. I shall attempt to make the orange cake without oranges, to serve with whipped cream and raspberries, an idea Romy gave me.

The Alzheimer's thought has cheered me into thinking I shall be able to wear totally eccentric things like some mad old bat: purple dresses with puce and green silk scarves, hats with nets, fascinators during the daytime, inappropriate piles of make-up, scarlet lipstick on a white face with that really messy mascara on little pink, piggy eyes. I shan't care as the dim public laugh at me or feel sorry for me, I shall be smug and superior in my complete disregard of their reactions. Whey hey!

I always did like 'dressing up' as a child. I shall now return to this in an attempt to brighten the dull London streets, in these dark, penniless days.

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