Met Plum and Else at the Mudlark. Romy turned up eventually having disposed of her charges. Unfortunately Romy and I both made an awful lunch choice which turned out to be a pickle sandwich with a small amount of something like mayonnaise smeared on it. Plum sent them back to the kitchen, and they then produced a similar sandwich with more of the mayonnaise substance on it. These were described as 'Welsh rarebit sandwiches with cheddar cheese.' It was awful muck and bore no similarity to cheddar. Plum and I had a coffee at the Monmouth after I had purchased some Agen prunes in Borough Market.
Seems that Sam will drop me off at the wedding venue after the Turkey and Tinsel break in Eastbourne, so Turkey and Tinsel it will be.I am still agonising about what to wear and have gone back in time to the forties in an attempt to find something. So far I have acquired a rather boring black suit which needs the hem and sleeves altering, a black jacquard coat with a black velvet collar, several pairs of black and navy shoes, several hats and fascinators. I obtained a rather good plain navy coat as well, which will be handy anyway this winter. I had been looking for a navy coat for some time. I have also bought a cheap navy suit which may be useless, we shall see. I am getting rather carried away on the hat front, and shall probably buy a few cheap vintage hats. So far I have a rather glamorous wide-brimmed black mink, a dark blue velvet with grey faux fur brim, a flowerpot design in bright blue, and I am toying with a deeper flowerpot design which is quite ornate.
My Hindle Wakes appears to be a total disaster in that it has totally collapsed in the pan and the stuffing escaped. I think it should have been wrapped tightly in muslin before cooking. I will see if it is at all rescueable in the morning. But the pissaladiere is fine, and the orange cake looks and smells good.I shall make some more bread tomorrow, purchase the salads and ice cream and try and tidy the house up, which despite being cleaned yesterday has become a kind of hell-hole, particularly on the kitchen front, the floor being stained and greasy, sink full of dishes, and mess all over the place.
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