Having purchased so many daft hats, I may display some of these in my blog, as a warning to my reader. Just don't buy anything at all. This hat, which is covered in bright feathers, would look fine on Audrey Hepburn, but looks total crap on me. As the hats are all very forties, fifties or sixties, I have doctored the snaps accordingly. Also with no makeup I deffo look slightly less horrendous in black and white. The only sensible things I have bought recently are a pair of red pyjamas and slippers from Land's End, very comfortable, and am tempted to buy the matching dressing gown, as I am always answering the door in a towelling robe which doesn't quite meet, or an ancient nightie.
If you are an old bat, just buy sensible stuff if you must buy anything. Let these pictures be a warning to you.
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