This rather extraordinary fake leopard hat is made by Nigel Rayment who makes posh wedding hats. It does look a bit like a pimp hat though.
Roxy has had my flowers - says the roses are lovely and velvety. She is still feeling awful and is being pressed to go to at least two New Year parties, despite her illness, so is hoping the hospital will keep her in as she will be tormented by people if she goes home. I think she will stay in for a few more days anyway. After that I have suggested that if people are pestering her, she should find some nasty tasks and chores for them to do every time they ring, and they will soon stop. If they don't she could get the whole house renovated.
The new cat flap arrived today. I only hope that Dorothy will find time to fit it and remove my Christmas tree. What I really need is a good (and available) local handyman to do these things.
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