Sunday. Julian and Dorothy's anniversary. I always remember them standing at the top of the stairs at Chelsea Registry Office on that sunny day, looking so sweet together with Madeleine throwing confetti over them. Chris and Victoria gave them such a lovely bunch of beautiful flowers, later recorded by Julian in a super little painting. This was given away to a mutual friend but here is a not very good snap of it - I was always very fond of it. We were all living together in those days with two cats and several goldfish.Julian made a little pond in the garden for the goldfish which required many hours of digging. It was certainly a full house.
I often get a bit tearful early in the mornings. This has been the case for many years and I have come to the conclusion that my hormonal or my blood sugar levels are probably low first thing in the morning, because this always improves after an hour or so.
Although I fed Malvolio at five pm last night, he was kind enough to let me sleep until 7am this morning, which is a bit of a bonus. It is freezing cold outside apparently, and not that warm inside, either. I am glad I brought the old fire upstairs as I will certainly need it this winter.
I am very keen to get painting but must keep drawing for a bit longer to try and improve my draughtsmanship. I am also nervous about painting, but tell myself I am only doing it for fun! so it doesn't matter if it is totally incompetent. After all, I have done the classes - degree, and so on, so now I can just enjoy it without having any other goal.
I am looking forward to ringing Nibby later. There has been a heat wave in Australia with lots of bush fires, which is a bit worrying, but I hope Kangaroo Valley hasn't been affected.