Back to the orifice again. All fairly well, and managed a very enjoyable lunch at the Boot & Flogger yesterday. Spent most of the afternoon investigating possible outings for the punters and possible ideas and venues for the Christmas party next year. Romy has found another old-fashioned railway, this time in Kent who do a four hour trip with a three course lunch, which sounds very promising.
Arrived home to find my parcel of art materials. But on opening, only some canvases and a sketch book were inside plus two damaged pieces of what had been a much larger drawing board. I emailed the company who had apparently sent everything I had ordered, i.e. paints, brushes, drawing board clips, an A1 drawing board etc. I suspect that Parcelforce had thrown the parcel around and that all the other pieces had dropped out. How they managed to break the drawing board, which is very heavy (I know, when I opened the parcel a piece fell on my foot and really hurt!) and just put two bits back into the parcel is beyond me. Anyway I took a snap of the broken bits (above) and sent to the sellers, Artifolk, who responded very quickly, and will replace all the missing stuff and take it up with Parcelforce. Very disappointing. Strange because despite the problems I have had with Royal Mail, Parcelforce have always been pretty reliable.
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