Tea and sympathy about my horrible day from Dorian, who may apply to be a trustee of the charity. I also tried the chemist, but he is too busy with his career as a magistrate, which I had encouraged him to take on years ago. I may try one of the local GPs. We shall see.
With the lack of money for dust sheets I found some old sheets which will do, and made a painting corner. Malvolio was inordinately interested in this, rolling all over the sheets and then I realised they had come from the linen chest where his catnip had been sprinkled. I may have to hang some plastic sheeting on the nearest wall to protect it but will try and be less messy than I have been in the past. I am still only sketching but want to be prepared to put paint to paper or canvas soon.
A long chat with Kat about Roxy. We agreed that she was one of the most trusting people we had known, which had not always worked in her favour.
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