As I am now poverty-stricken, Romy insists on paying for lunch. She found a good deal at Cantina Vinopolis, so we prepared to walk around the corner and take advantage of this. However, when booking on Toptable, she pressed the wrong button, and booked at the Cantina at Tower Bridge, so there was a quick taxi dash. The lunch was very good indeed, and we had spotted a rather good looking large boat on the river outside. Romy rang the number displayed on the side, so we shall probably book a trip from Tower Pier for the punters, including lunch or tea. There is a minimum three hour hire fee, so lunch may be the thing. A lucky find and quite an adventurous lunch, so we can still try the right Cantina at some stage.
My ex sent me quite a friendly and funny postcard (above), but I really can't put up with any more scenes and difficulties with the rest of the family, so I have drafted a letter and sent to the others for comments before I post it. I expect he will still turn up from time to time, but hopefully at considerably rarer intervals.
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