Monday, 16 August 2010

Dancing Fred, Poulain Bread Pudding and Dull Days

Spoke to Dorothy whose last day at work went very well. Julian was due back on Sunday, it seems. I went to East Street on Sunday to purchase a paper and have a cuppa, and spied Dancing Fred, who did not see me. On the way back, passed the Strata building which had large snaps of local people displayed and was confronted by a huge snap of Dancing Fred. We can't keep not meeting like this. Fred is very photogenic, I must admit. He's called Dancing Fred because despite his years, he is very dapper, slim and an excellent dancer, an example to us all. He also smiles all the time, which helps.

Used up the last of my Poulain bread in making a bread pudding which I soaked in Lapsang tea rather than water. I did overspice it a bit, but it came out very well and I have sliced and frozen it to keep out of temptation.

Spoke to Nibby too yesterday. She now has her Oz citizenship and was taken out to lunch by friends, then given a party in the evening where people said good things about her and tried to persuade her to stay in Oz.

The weather continues to be very drab, unfortunately. This morning I had some fried quails eggs with bacon for breakfast. It is a shame that the whites are too transparent. I may have to poach the next lot if I don't hard boil them. I may try scrambled ones at some time.

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