Saturday, 30 October 2010

Scattering of Ashes from Model Boat

Went to a strange little ceremony today. Hilary's ashes were to be scattered on the Thames from London Bridge. A small group gathered, and when the funeral directors arrived we all went down some steps to get nearer the river. Simon Hughes and the funeral guys clambered over the barrier to the foreshore. As we watched from above, they launched a small black model catamaran, containing the ashes. A priest from Southwark Cathedral read a prayer, and the ashes were presumably released into the Thames, by pressing a button on the remote. After this the boat floated about a bit, with various people playing with the remote control. Boy's toys. Seems it was the maiden voyage of this boat, which had apparently cost £700. Good thing they didn't lose it. I suspect Hilary might have found the whole thing quite funny. Afterwards we went and had a coffee, which warmed us up a bit. Seems the last lot of Hilary's ashes will be scattered in Gibraltar, according to Hilary's wishes, and Simon and the others will probably make a good weekend of it.

Had a wander round More London before cabbing back to Lye Torng. Their meat servings have become so minuscule I had to order two lunches to get more than five or six small pieces of meat. They were always more generous with the meat, but perhaps times are hard, and having reduced the choices, they have also reduced the portions. Since all I eat is the meat I may have to dine elsewhere in future.

Today is Sunday and I only lost half a pound. This may be due to a large sauerkraut meal I consumed mid-week. Today I may well lunch at The Beaten Path, if I can be bothered to go out in this dreary weather.

Spoke to Nibs this morning and poor Bear has been in hospital with swollen tonsils, but is fortunately now back home. Spoke briefly to Dorothy who seems to be in a permanent hurry.

Friday, 29 October 2010

No Birthday Dinner - but Birthday Sunday Lunch

Tried to book several places for my birthday, but all full so shall go to the Ivy for a very late Sunday lunch instead. Actually this will give me the chance to sit and watch the soaps on my birthday, while eating a lettuce leaf in preparation for Sunday lunch.

I have been starving all day. Had a lunch at Lye Torng and the amount of meat has shrunk to nothing, so came back hungry and had a toasted cheese sandwich, decimating the number of calories I can consume for dinner tonight. I may have to make a Marmite drink to fill me up, since I am still hungry, unaccountably.

Shall now go and put another load of washing in the machine. Gosh, my life is exciting. All this to avoid actually doing some painting. Can't put it off much longer.

Ida Barr, Kook and Quiet Birthday Dinner

My Mondays and Fridays are being eaten up by hospital appointments etc.

Yesterday Romy and I went to Deptford Albany to watch Ida Barr and many others in the afternoon. This was a recce for a possible pensioner venue. The verdict was generally favourable, despite poor Romy being pursued by more than one very elderly lounge lizard.

I am still seriously considering a chat with Celia Hammond about the acquisition of another feline. It would have to be a tabby female, and not either aggressive or desperately timid. Sedate, I think, is the word I am seeking.

Another 5am awakening. I think I will have to feed Kook much later in the evening. That might help.

I was trying to find a suitable place for dinner on my birthday in December. Year after year it gets worse, with every restaurant full of noisy and uncouth office parties. Madeleine suggested somewhere where they only take up to six diners, if we can get a table, which sounds a good way to avoid too much surrounding chaos. I shall ring them today. If not, Dorothy has suggested some place called Bob Bob Ricard which has had terrible reviews but the decor is excellent. Hmmm. We shall see.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Cat and Very Tiresome Ex

Just feeling a bit depressed after watching the programme about cat women and seeing Celia Hammond tending for a dying kitten.

Then I saw a missed call from my ex. Rang him to hear he had been to see a solicitor and needed his son's address. I had been asked not to reveal this so did not. He then expressed amazement that his son did not wish to see him and said ' you mean if I told him there was £10,000 in the bank, he would still not see me?' I assured him that this was so, and that his son had plenty of money. He kept saying 'but I am his father' and insisting he had 'rights', though what rights an absentee parent can have over someone of 43 do not rapidly spring to mind. I shall check and make sure that our son still can't stand him, but I think my ex may well have Alzheimer's as he seems to completely forget this fact every few months.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Self Help Smiles

Reading my new book, I now realise that all the frustrations of life are as nothing, and have given me negative thoughts. I shall attempt to watch my reactions and thoughts and attempt to live in the 'now'. This could be rather brilliant advice. If somewhat tricky to achieve. We shall see.

Did some washing this morning. Had a sandwich of mashed sardines drained of their olive oil and seasoned, made in one of those toasted sandwich bags. You can buy a couple of those bags in the pound shop, I noticed. I hope the sardines will keep my Omega oils up a bit. It is a slight effort to eat sardines first thing in the morning, but plenty of Lapsang does help.

Kook has devoured his breakfast and gone out. I was rather afraid of opening the kitchen door unless he took a lump out of my leg in retaliation, but hunger came first and he then streaked off outside when I opened the catflap.

Tiresome Monster

That was a vile night. Kook screamed for hours, eventually shutting up at about midnight. I started to feel quite murderous, as I could hear my upstairs neighbours pacing up and down. It must have been very loud in their kitchen. He started again this morning at about 5.45am. I eventually forced myself up at 6, but very tired. I hope he will eventually settle down and get used to sleeping in the kitchen or I will have to put him in the living room for the night with his litter tray, which I am not keen on doing. He must have a sore throat this morning.

My internet wasn't working, so rang O2 who were very helpful and gave me a password which I wrote down somewhere safe. They fiddled with the signal to make it stronger but said if it did keep turning off I should take the laptop to the Apple store. Some chance. I have to say the wireless signal is not good here. I clicked the 'interference robustness' thingy in the hope that this will improve matters. No wonder I can't watch things on IPlayer.

Nasty Reflection, Nasty Kook and Esoteric Handbook

Dear me, look even bigger than yesterday in my new mirrored screen. Quel cauchemar.

This morning I had scrambled eggs on toast with mushrooms. Followed by a clementine and a small apple. Oh, and some coffee with milk. Must stop until lunch time.

Had a text (followed by a text conversation) from Madeleine suggesting I might like to board a cat for a few weeks. Since Kook is being rather vile, and even worse today, having bitten me twice and been banished to the kitchen, I am inclined to give him another cat to bite for a change. I have warned Madeleine about his nasty nature. My other thought is that Kook may be bored and may benefit from the presence of another mature cat. It belongs to my niece whose house burned down and who is currently staying with Madeleine. Madeleine's hospitality does not however extend to the cat. Understandably, she doesn't fancy having a cat tray in the house, and has no catflap. Having said that, a cat would need to be very large and muscular to get through my catflap. Even Kook calls me to let him in and out rather than use it. We shall see. Kook's previous owner told me that he is fine with other cats. I should coco.

I am currently engaged in reading a self-improvement manual (my first) called 'The Power of Now' by the improbably named Eckhart Tolle. Hmmmm. I shall become a Scientologist next. Not.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sunday Again

After my rude awakening, I partook of the strange breakfast of grilled mashed sardines on toast with tea (200 calories) to top up my oily fish complement.

Romy then turned up with her husband bearing the huge weight of my new screen, which is now installed in my doorway. I just hope the cleaner does not manage to knock it over. Unfortunately Romy could not stay for coffee as the van could not comfortably be parked outside.

Tesco actually turned up well on time with a free Daily Mail - not my choice of paper but gift horses etc., and I have just finished unpacking my shopping. I do wish Ocado would realise the error of their ways and email me some really decent offers. Oh well.

I shall now relax for a bit with a cup of coffee. And contemplate my vast bulk, amply reflected by the mirrored screen. It may yet help me to lose weight.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Rude Awakening and Lost Weight

When Kook seems to get bored with mewing loudly to try and wake me up, he seems to rush up and down stairs really fast, then over the bed, leaping about and howling loudly. I vainly thought this was another attention-seeking behaviour. Well, it was in a way, but now I know this is the signal that he is dying for a poo - which has been deposited in his tray by the time I have been roused by an appalling smell. He is like a dog, and never covers it up. I sometimes think he is not entirely stupid. The swine.

Despite a week spent struggling not to eat everything I saw, I suspect not entirely unrelated to the cold weather, I have managed to lose two and a half pounds. Am now fifteen and a half stone. I would like to be under fifteen stone by my birthday in early December. My danger point after this and before Christmas will be the Turkey & Tinsel break in Thoresby Hall in December - four whole days of probably quite decent, and substantial, hotel food. My only way out is to drink buckets of water and not hang around in the restaurant for too long. Breakfast is always the biggest challenge. Oh well. Eating out is never so bad so long as I can find a steak or a large piece of fish with a salad.

No More Cheap Veggies and Still Broken Dishwasher

Awoke betimes (5.30am to be precise) this morning to more Kooky torment. I am so soft with him, I'm mushy peas. Oh well.

Last day of the farmer's market - not enough customers. Purchased a huge bunch of carrots with tops, also edible, a punnet of raspberries and a pound of russets for £2.45 the lot. People are obviously a bit slow on the uptake around here, or they don't recognise anything that's not in a can as food. Met one of the punters who said he couldn't attend the Turkey & Tinsel break at Thoresby Hall because he'd be on his Caribbean cruise - most annoyed because he has to fly to Barbados first rather than cruising from Southampton. My heart bleeds.

Naughty lunch of green chicken curry at Lye Torng. BUT, only ate a tablespoon of rice and picked the chicken and veg out, leaving the sauce, so not too bad, but had the flavour at least.

Now back home, I shall do some washing and some washing up. I must phone the Bosch people since my washing up is not very good, compared with the dishwasher. Need to tidy up quite a lot, too.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Ai Wei Wei and Gauguin

I have to say my 'elder' visit to Tate Modern has only confirmed me in my low opinion of Gauguin's work. Most people seem to be very keen judging by the huge crowds queuing up to get in. I am a bit of a philistine no doubt despite eight years of art education. Was more impressed by Ai Wei Wei. Just looks like a huge field of grey gravel, but like sunflower seeds close up, and on picking up, individually made ceramic seeds, which are quite heavy. China is a big place.

Had lunch at Lye Torng, and a quiet afternoon doing the washing and watching daytime TV, which everyone pours scorn on. Oh well, suits me, anyway.

Masses of junk mail, but can't resist looking at lots of catalogues before discarding them.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Cat Litter, Tesco and Big Society

Oh dear. I was hoping to stick to Sainsbury's for groceries, but they don't do my smart pack of Catsan, which has now become essential because Kook is staying in at night. Ocado do, of course, who I must avoid for as long as possible, since they have offered me no incentives whatsoever to return, and guess who else? the accursed Tesco. I shall now have to put up with Tesco's inefficiency for at least one order, when I will stock up on my cat litter. Incidentally, Kook has not bitten me for a couple of days. I have purchased his favourite catnip drops which may have some bearing on the matter.

Those Southwark Circle people, part of Participle, on radio 4 this morning. Seems they are trying to replace the welfare state by encouraging self help among the elderly poor. The Big Society in action. Dear me.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Kook, Poo and Lip Stain

Of course, I am a weak woman. When I left my living room to go to bed, Kook was sleeping peacefully on the sofa, so I didn't have the heart to move him. However he woke me up at 3am, having done a very offensive poo in his litter tray, which I covered. I shut him in the kitchen with a large cushion to lie on. He mewed and mewed for what seemed like hours. I woke, slightly more refreshed than usual, at 6.30, when I set him free. I fed him and let him outside, and hope he will refrain from pooing in his tray, which he only did because his catflap was locked.

Having spent some hours wandering up and down Oxford Street on Friday, in pursuit of a really red lip stain, and after purchasing several unsatisfactory contenders, I finally made the interesting discovery that a permanent red marker which had been left in my flat by some builders, was best. For your information it is Staedtler Lumocolour. Others may wish to do a skin test, but I shoved it straight on my lips and applied some (optional) red glittery gloss over the top.

I have also discovered a rather foolish (and tiny, but fun) Christmas present idea for any unfortunate females I know. You will see. I have been shopping online.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Internet Deprivation

Been without internet and home phone for a couple of days. Now connected to O2 fortunately.

My ex husband rang to say he had some money for his sister, so knowing I would meet her today, I agreed to relieve him of it. However when I rang her she denied that he owed her any money. Turns out the whole thing was my fault as I had thought she had loaned him money many years ago which he had not repaid. Seems that she was complaining about his asking for money, but she never actually coughed up. So he has saved himself a few hundred. However, I was stuck with meeting him, and having basically nothing to say, regaled him with the misdeeds of some of his extended family, so some sheep were even blacker (morally speaking) than he. Turns out he has had quite a stroke of good fortune financially, and may move abroad to live, which I thought was rather a good idea.

Today I met Madeleine for lunch at Livebait. It was quite good, but rather calorific. I hope my only misdeed as I only lost 1lb this week. We shall see. Kooky has bitten me twice in the last couple of days. I don't know how funny he will find it when I shut him in the kitchen for the night.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Socks, Tesco, and Crabby Old Bat

Just returned three pairs of navy knee-highs to I have been ordering these things for years, and they have started making them so short that they slip to the ankles quite quickly. I suspect a money-saving device to save on materials, but this would be rather short sighted as people will stop buying them . I am only 5' 1" with equally dumpy legs, so cannot imagine what these would be like on someone with long legs. Mind you, nothing is as bad as Tesco.

Finally, I have now had an email from Tesco, very belatedly refunding my delivery charge and offering to investigate the mouldy porridge. I'll believe that when pigs fly.

Gosh, I am getting crabby in my old age. Being cross all the time is quite envigorating though. I shall try and maintain a good level of crabbiness and remember to grumble on every possible occasion, which somehow, I don't think will be a problem, and fits in well with the name of my blog. Things really do make me sick. So there.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Miner's Gift and Horchata de Chufa

Just heard that the miners who have been trapped half a mile below ground in Chili have started to be brought up, one bearing a gift of small rocks which he distributed among his rescuers. I do hope they all come up safely and eventually manage to adjust to 'normal' life.

At work again yesterday, and Romy back, bearing a large bottle of Chufi horchata for me. There is a story that King Jaume 1 of Catalunya, when visiting Valencia, was offered a small glass of this refreshing drink by a little girl, and asking what it was, she said 'tigernut milk'. He replied 'Axo no es llet, axo es or, xata' - 'This is not milk, it's gold, kid'. Hence the name Horchata. That's the story, anyway.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Bad to Worse then Better Again

For the first time in ages, despite bright unseasonal sunshine, I could not force myself out but spent the day whingeing about inside and finished my one and only Aga Saga.

Achieved a bit of washing, and later on, Madeleine rang to say she too had been rather down. I suspect she is telling sympathy porkies,she is so practised at this kind of thing. We shall see, and may meet up next weekend. At that point Dorothy, to whom I had sent a couple of depressed texts, rang to say they were coming around for a cup of tea.

It was great to see them both, and my kitchen has now had all the bulbs changed and will need a good clean, now the filthy floor and tops are nakedly revealed. Dorothy has been horrendously busy, but found time to put the app on my iphone, which is great.

Today I have perked up quite a bit, and am doing even more washing. Work beckons tomorrow. Poor Romy has had to return from Spain to attend the office.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Sunday Morning

Tesco is terminally irritating. Had to return as I had run out of their pepper grinder, which contains peppers and does coarse or fine grinding. Of course it was out of stock. I did find some coarse ground pepper, then when I returned home, discovered how to get the top off their empty pepper grinder, so filled with red peppercorns.

Revisited the farmer's market and bought some russets for 40p a pound, delicious, and some baby artichokes for much more, which were very good. Lunch at Lye Torng and a quiet afternoon. Watched the X-factor in the evening, followed by a slightly risque interview with Barbara Windsor and Piers Morgan.

Weigh-in this morning. Was pleased to have lost another 2lb. Text from Dorothy who is back on the diet wagon and has lost 1lb, well done in difficult circumstances.

Had a chat on the telephone with Nibby. She thinks I spend money because I am bored. Not sure about that.

It is fine outside so I must force myself out to purchase a newspaper.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Tiresome Tesco, Cross Old Bat, and Books

I see that I have been far too exercised about Tesco. Not good for the blood pressure. Henceforth I shall ignore them and stick to Sainsbury and Ocado. I am definitely becoming a grumpy old woman.

Not sure about Jilly Cooper. Her books are full of detail, with a great emphasis on good looks, clothes, sexual attraction, financial gossip and of course, horses. I don't mind the horse bit. As well as a great deal of sentimentality and bitchy gossip, all the people seem so dim. Oh well, I'm one to talk. At least lots of people must read her books, which make her lots of money. I now have a very large, heavy book to give away. I expect someone will really enjoy it.

I have purchased something completely different called 'Eat Pray Love' which I shall try and force myself to read. I can't imagine why I bought it, but we shall see.

Things are getting Worse

I noticed my dishwasher which I had put on last night was making an awful noise this morning. Turned it off and didn't think much more about it. But when I thought I would test it out this afternoon, all the lights went on and it just made the awful noise. When I looked inside there were a couple of inches of water. Rang my plumber in panic and he said I should get a Bosch engineer to look at it as the cheapest option. Not too sure whether I can find one so emailed Dorothy as a £300 call-out would cost almost as much as a new machine.

Will contact the Bosch engineers next week. Dorothy thinks I should get a new one from IKEA if I need a replacement as it will match the rest of the kitchen.

Useless Tesco

I never heard another word about my porridge complaint so rang them for the second time today to see what had happened, and to complain about today's late home delivery. The operator told me that they were running an hour and a half late with the delivery, so they are now off my internet shopping menu.

She said she was putting me through directly to the Elephant & Castle Tesco manager about the mouldy porridge complaint, and when I had hung on for quite a while waiting for that store to reply with no luck, I suddenly realised this was a premium 0845 number so hung up. Looks like I shall be having a very late lunch indeed at Lye Torng. Becoming very cross indeed with Tesco.

Finally, at 12.30, Tesco have bloody delivered. To add insult to injury, my phone rang and I thought it was Tesco apologising but no it was a machine telling me "You have been randomly selected to win a free holiday' etc.

Now cross as two sticks, I rejected Tesco's proferred tenner 'for when I next shop online" ha ha, and sent them a poison pen email, complaining even more bitterly.

Rant over (ish).

Diet Jelly

Found masses of this in Sainsbury's yesterday. Have been making it up with raspberries and bananas. Am wondering if I could add Greek yoghourt to it and make a kind of mousse. may try. On the packet it says that if you make it up with half a pint of boiling water, then add low calorie fizzy lemonade it makes a fizzy jelly. Can't imagine that, probably just makes it a bit bubbly looking. I am sure that you could make quite a good mousse by adding raspberry puree and low cal ice cream. Hmmmm, I can see the calories increasing before my very eyes. Ho hum.

Made celery soup with onions, garlic, celery and stock. It was so insipid. Recklessly, I grated about an inch of fresh ginger into it. Never do this, it was disgusting so I threw it away. I should have used more garlic, no ginger and served with plenty of parmesan. But I am not that keen on cooked celery anyway. Will have a go at carrot soup next time.

Well, it's eleven thirty. Tesco still not here.

Diseases and Online Grocery Shopping

Still alive today, so the jab must have been OK.

Tesco's have rung to say they won't be here with the groceries until 11.30. Ridiculous since they had a two hour envelope (9 to 11) in which to manage this. More bad marks for Tesco who, it seems, are crying all the way to the bank, the bastards. I shall return to Sainsbury's next time, as I am still punishing Ocado for their lack of marketing incentives aimed at me.

Seems that people with ME are banned for life from blood donation. Seems that there is a poorly understood connection with a retrovirus in victims of this disease. There are only three known retroviruses, the best known of which is HIV. This was being discussed on Radio 4 this morning. All rather worrying for ME sufferers I imagine. Good to hear that anti Alzheimer's drugs are now available for early sufferers. I shall be first in the queue.

I have sunk to reading my first Jilly Cooper, called Jump. Full of unpleasant characters so far. We shall see.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Still Reading and Just a Little Prick

I'm picking up some delightful sayings from my Sue Townsend books, such as:'Don't get your pants up your crack';'Spoiled as a sailor's arse' and so on. I have just finished Queen Camilla.

Just had my 'flu jab. 'Are you having it for asthma?' asked the nurse. 'No, old age' I replied. She checked her notes 'My goodness, you're 68 - you don't look it' she said. So kind. Mind, she was wearing glasses. I hope it was the right jab and not something vile like Botulinium she has injected. We'll soon see.


A Scotts of Stow catalogue arrived. On the back was something I have been seeking for years: a smallish console table, which opens out to a table for four, then with two added panels makes a table for six or eight. What a fabulous idea for a flat like mine.
I seriously considered purchasing this wonderful item. Then I thought that I already have a longish and narrow table which will seat four, a swap I made with Romy, and which has been painted white - fits into the room well.

I have always had a fantasy about having masses of visitors around for meals, requiring plenty of space around the table. However, my dinner party days are well over and I only need space for two to four at the table once a year, at Christmas, when Dorothy and Julian come around.

I really don't like facing this gloomy reality, but my control of financial incontinence will save me just under £450 on this occasion, though I shall continue to lust after this useless item and dream of inviting masses of people around for dinner or buffets on a Sunday. But it would certainly be a good buy for Madeleine, with her frequent family visitors, or anyone else who has masses of visitors in a tiny flat.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Poo Train and NHS Derailment

In the Oldie, a doctor was using the analogy of a train with many carriages to explain the passage of poo through the system, and said that having a crap was just dropping off one or two of these carriages. So when someone tells you you're full of shit, this is literally true, but then, so are they.

Talking of which, on listening to Radio 4, some GP rep was suggesting that with the government's new funding system, some GPs might spend most of their time dealing with the funds, while nurses took care of 'disease management'. So we'll see even less of the GPs. Dear me. I am wondering whether the whole budget for the NHS should be handed to the patients, who could then pay for services. It is ridiculous to keep overhauling the NHS for what seem to me to be purely political reasons. Complain though I will about the administration layers, from a personal standpoint, apart from out of hours services, the NHS is working quite well. Certainly blood testing, diagnosis, and appointments (when sent direct from the hospital concerned) have improved considerably.

Wodin's Day

About odd names, and remembering some of the girls names from my schools, I remember a Lalage, Loveday, Persephone; and some of the surnames were equally odd: Boddan- Whetham, Pellew, and so on. These names were floating through my age-befuddled mind which then reminded me of the words to the school song of one of my schools, probably written by a pupil, which began: 'Said Thorey Gage-Gardner in nineteen-oh- one: 'let Farnham Girls' Grammar School now be begun'.' Dear me, I wonder if they ever changed the words? These were sung to a rousing tune,and on many occasions.

Talking to Nibby on Sunday, I was glad to hear that I am not the only one to indulge in weeks of displacement activities to put off the awful moment of putting brush to canvas. Seems her friend Mim does the same thing. Though the discipline of painting together on a particular day every week must help concentrate the mind a bit.

Blow me. Was googling Thory (correct spelling) Gage Gardiner, and it turns out he was a rector of St. George the Martyr Church many years ago. Small world.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Jam Tomorrow

I am definitely repeating myself and had to edit this post severely, ?Alzheimer's.

Dorothy was horrified to hear that I had purchased greengages and damsons while on a diet and suggested I threw them away. After consideration, I decided to make them into jam at some point, to scrape on toast for breakfast. Probably less unhealthy than eating crumble. Oh well.

Just finished Sue Townsend's Ghost Children, a rather dark tale.

October Tuesday

Yesterday, I went to the Elephant & Castle Tesco, picked up several items, but when I arrived at the queue, realised that they only had two cashiers at the four or five pay points. They are obviously trying to force people to use the automatic payment booths. These are quite difficult to use, and rude assistants lose their tempers with old people like me when we try. I lost patience after about 15 minutes wait at the checkout and just dumped my basket on the floor and walked out. I am becoming rather crabby on this diet, I notice.

I almost had a similar experience at Peacocks when I purchased some tights. The assistants were all messing around with the stock and there was no one on the till. However after loud complaints from me and another customer, someone reluctantly turned up to serve us, very, very slowly. I give up. Must stick to online purchasing.

Long chat with Nibby who assures me that some cats are genetically biters, and some aren't, which might explain Kook's habits to some extent, but the very nasty bite on my head was nasty, and beyond tolerable. He has only nipped my leg and arm once or twice a day since, and very lightly, fortunately.

Today, many returns of the theatre tickets landed in the office. I have two or three takers, but there will still be quite a few remaining. Oh well.

My latest soup consists of slicing a couple of inches of Chorizo del Pueblo from Sainsbury's into very fine discs, frying up with a couple of finely chopped onions, adding garlic, then about a pint of water, then three or four large finely chopped carrots and even more chopped celery. At this point I simmer it, having seasoned with pepper, celery salt, 1 tsp smoked paprika, a stock cube and anything else I fancy. This time it was two bay leaves, some basil, dried fines herbes. When virtually cooked I add a small tin of canellini beans and a couple of tablespoons of tomato puree. Less clever was my decision to put in two of my Spanish peppers, a string of which was drying in the kitchen. One would have been more than adequate. Anyway, if left to get cold after the first generous bowlful, the fat on top (from the chorizo) can be removed, but it is still very good and lasts for a couple of days. I am taking the precaution of refrigerating it at night. I have worked out that three to four generous bowls full are about 2-250 calories each.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Another Wet Sunday

Lost 1lb only this week, but one stone in a month, so I suspect I am hitting a plateau.
Yesterday I went to the new Farmers Market (about five stalls) over the road and purchased two punnets of raspberries and one punnet of yellow raspberries, as well as a pound of greengages and a pound of damsons - those both very cheap at 40p a pound. Stewed them up with sugar and put into the freezer for jam or crumbles later.

Lunch at Lye Torng - they have a very good pork special at the moment and kindly gave me extra veg instead of rice.

Could not find any diet jelly at Elephant & Castle today so will have to purchase this online next time. Made some up this morning and put some fresh raspberries in. Puddings for about 20 calories, yippee!

Texted Dorothy who has fallen off the dietary wagon rather with starting a new job and travelling all over the place. I have tried to encourage Dorothy to get back on. After all, it was Dorothy who shamed me into this dieting business in the first place.

Had some of the Sainsbury carrot and coriander soup (57 calories for half a tub) for lunch, followed by one of my toasted cheese and ham sandwiches, and finishing off with some diet jelly and raspberries.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Finished The Stray Sod Country

This morning, I finished the book. I knew it would be dark, and it is. Very good though.

Kook is absolutely back to normal. Mewing loudly at 5.30am, and I can't bring myself to lock him in the kitchen, so I just go to bed much earlier.

It has been pouring with rain all day, and is quite cold so I stayed in. A card was left in the hall written by my neighbour. There was a black and white photo of a sleeping infant in a babygro. His first name is Robert, and the card was to thank me for the flowers and express the hope that his crying is not disturbing me. I have hardly heard a peep, actually.

Although I did not think I was overeating, a sneaky jump on the scales seem to show I have put on a pound. Still, I shall resist this weighing now until Sunday morning, and just keep an eye on things. I have to say I am thinking more about food in this chilly weather. Must drink mugs of Marmite, which should help a lot.

Tonight Kooky bit my leg before I fed him, so I made him wait longer.