Dear me. Had the bright idea to give my corpse for medical research, but it is unlikely to be accepted if 'any major organ' has been removed. Well, I have had the odd ovary and a gallbladder out, so it just shows that if you have been subject to surgery, it may be impossible to give your body away. We shall see. Given the shortage of bodies you think they would be grateful for anything they could get: arms, legs, heads etc. would be quite useful when teaching I would have thought, but what would I know?
My main reason for this was to save the awful stuff around a funeral, and if my heirs!!! wished to have a form of celebration, nothing would stop them having a party and cracking open the champagne etc. They could use some of the vast amount of money which would otherwise be spent on even the cheapest funeral, currently running to nearly £2000, so I am given to understand. I shall enquire further about the organ thing, but would encourage others to donate their bods, after all, you won't miss it when you're gone - and relatives should be public spirited enough to understand.
There were lots of more lively bods (see snap above) at the local community centre for their annual party. I arrived and Simon Hughes was there with the deputy council leader. Our Chairman also came. The party had been run for many years by one of our trustees. Exhausted by all the goings-on I escaped before the lady Morris dancers and raffle had started.
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