Yesterday, we did the marathon trip, i.e. three coaches and a small extra one, plus a specially adapted car or two, and transported at least 150 people to Brick Lane Music Hall, which is in a converted church near City airport.
There, we had an excellent lunch, followed by a very good politically incorrect pantomime 'Mother Goosed'. Much fun was had by all. Five of the seven trustees came to help us, and we were able to offer places to several other local charities, too. Romy, having organised the whole event with great skill, was splendid throughout, rushing around and sorting people out, while I stood back, stunned by the vast crowds of pensioners present. The Bus Pass people from Waterloo Action Group actually made their own way there, using the DLR, so congratulations to them.
A great success, though I have to confess that the lunch was so good that I did overindulge somewhat. I managed to forego Yorkshire pudding, but then succumbed to apple crumble and custard, fortunately a fairly small helping. Today, Madeleine and I will go to the Dulwich Picture Gallery, and have lunch. I am rather dreading the weigh-in tomorrow, and fear the thin woman within me will never emerge. We shall see.
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