A desultory glance around the horrendous mess that is my flat, before settling down to arranging the huge vase of flowers in my living room. Then I started reading the food history book, in between reading bits of the Alan Clark diary on my ipad. Did a sketch using the Brushes app, was almost pleased with it, but in attempting to save I somehow deleted it. I am writing this on Saturday.
Madeleine's birthday on Friday. She had no plans, so I said she was welcome to come around after work, but I suspect she either had a better offer, or was planning to have a birthday mopefest at home, fuelled with booze, chocs and rubbish TV. Am green with envy just thinking about it, though I am doing quite well myself with the gin and books. In any event we are planning a birthday Sunday lunch in a week or two.
Not sure whether I am meeting Dorothy today, but if so I shall collect my bits of printing which Julian has ready for me. Otherwise today, I may try a further bit of tidying up my art materials, which are untidily scattered around the spare bedroom at the moment.
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