is where I spent some time this morning. Auditionees? for a commercial were foregathering, including Victorine, to play parts of a wedding party, mum of the bride etc. It was quite funny because the camera person came out and assumed I was there for an audition. He commented on the elegance of my coat, so I shall not chuck it out just yet. Victorine wore a very low cut suit and a rather jaunty fascinator, shaped like a little hat, a bit burlesque in style. They paired her up with a tall, quite good looking actor, and the audition went on for some time. We then escaped to Da Aldo for a very good lunch, after which, fortified with too much wine we battled on to the Charing Cross Road to see Barrie and Keith. I purchased Barrie's novel:'Only One Leaf Left on the Old Oak Tree' - a sparkling ditty about old ladies in a retirement home, a sure bestseller. I then admired the new Maud, an elegant young tabby, who was lounging against a large toy tiger in front of the fire. We then received absolutely enormous pint sized cups of tea with biscuits.
For some reason the name of Terence Davies came up. Unfortunately, because of the wine I had drunk I foolishly admitted that when I had seen him at the NFT a few years ago, he had denied any knowledge of Christophe and Victorine. Victorine was amazed to hear this, as she and Christophe had provided almost a second home for him, having him to dinner almost weekly for several years before he became famous. This is where I had first met him, and I knew he was a frequent visitor and we had all four met up locally for lunch at a place called the Zanzibar (now closed). I had also been rather puzzled and a bit embarrassed at the time. I had deliberately not mentioned it before because I thought it was hurtful, considering how much they had done for him. I blame the wine. I decided that the poor man may have a really bad memory. Another possibility is that he had become so famous he had forgotten his whole preceding existence. Oh well. I did not arrive home until around 6pm - very late for me. Must learn to keep my trap shut. Probably too late in life for that, but will try harder.
I shall decide tomorrow whether to brave another bus pass outing. Today was bloody cold outside and tomorrow promises rain.
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