Monday 18 June 2012

Another Quiet Day

And Mamuska for coffee followed by Lye Torng for lunch followed by wicked expenditure on notebooks and pens at the art shop. Did some bad sketches this morning. An Irish guy who is a regular at Mamuska and always wears a red and black checked jacket, then the girl at the pass calling out lunch numbers, then a pair in animated discussion. Later I strolled around to the Lye Torng for lunch and sketched a table of people discussing a presentation, then a couple of women talking to someone I could not see. I followed this with a short sketch of the garden wall with an Indian painted thing hanging on it, and a calabash the children brought back from a holiday. Events are strange in the garden. I put a feeder where I could see it, and saw not only some tits feeding there, followed by a mouse, followed by a squirrel who knocked the entire thing down. I later found two dead mice in a pail of water near another feeder. I emptied the pail and will leave it upside down. Perhaps Kook is chasing them around the garden and they jump in to try and escape. He attacked me quite viciously the other day and would not give up - leaping up at me and sinking all his claws and teeth in. I had to shut him in the bathroom for half an hour. This seemed to calm him down.

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